Monday, December 24, 2012

What happened

What happened and when?

Was it that long ago when America was like Little House on the Prairie?

Kids walked to the school house with their boxed lunch and listened to their teacher, learned and played with their neighbors and walked home, probably to do some chores before the family sat down to dinner.

Sounds crazy now huh? That sounds like it was thousands of years wasn't but it sure seams it.

The conversation today is should we have armed gunmen at our schools to protect our kids or should all teachers carry weapons.
Kids bus in or drive to school, most with music either blaring in their cars or in their ears with lyrics of fighting and rape and dominance.
Then they rush home to play Call to Duty or other video games that splatter blood all over the screen.

Today is Christmas eve it it always a good day to reflect on your life and of what is happening around you.
After all as I said in other postings rather you believe that Jesus was the son of God or not most every religion and history facts show that their was a man that was born thousands of years ago that walked the earth and spoke of peace. He preached in a time of total violence and said put down your weapons.

This time is not all about Santa and gifts it should be about the man that was born that preached peace.

Where are we and how did we get here?

Armed professionals in our schools with guns and teachers that need to carry weapons, kids that are lost and just want attention and direction.

Look around, do your part , no matter how small you think it may be. It does make a difference.
YOU make a difference.

This is the time of year for personal reflection.

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