Thursday, April 25, 2019


Success to any job means being organized.

You need to think ahead and prepare and prioritize.

Every day you need to set your priorities and follow up and follow through.
If you constantly see someone looking stressed and living a real life Chinese fire drill I can guarantee you that they did not prepare and are disorganized, do yourself a favor and take the time to do your homework and anticipate your week and day ahead. You either spend your time on the forefront and prepare and organize or you spend double that time at the back end trying to pick up the pieces.

Plan ahead - and always have a plan B !

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


People always think they have more time then they do.
I have had very good friends and co workers and family members leave this life in my life time and some way too young. We tend to spend so much of our lives worrying, we worry about our jobs and money and promotions - and in the end who cares ? What does it really matter ?
I absolutely believe in doing the very best you can in your workplace and whatever you do but it should not consume you and it sure in heck should not define you.
You are much more and your life is so much more then your work or the size of your house or the year of your car, at the end it is about the people, your experiences, the simple pleasures.
Do not take a day for granted, do not take those that love you for granted.
You should approach each day as if it could be your last, think about it - what would you do if indeed you knew that today was your last day ? Would you run to the people you love and hug them and tell them how special they are and how thankful you are for them ? - Then do that !
Would you continue to play the game at work or would you be totally truthful ?
Do not wait , do not hate or worry or waste time - Enjoy, smile and appreciate-
After all we are all just visiting.

Monday, April 22, 2019


What  to do if you have obstructionist in your work place ...
If you are on a rowing team to succeed you all have to be rowing in same direction, same on your work team, if someone is rowing in the opposite direction they are obstructing progress.
You must remove the obstruction , first you need to train of the importance of being a team player and tell them what it have observed, next they need to know what the result will be if they continue to obstruct, next DO IT !
Just like a parent of a small child do not threaten if you do not intend to back it up, so while you are training and alerting , you need to be prepared to move.
Always have a plan B
Maybe the person can be better in a different role ? That is something you need to ask and something you need to evaluate.
Now here’s is the real big challenge- what do you do when the major obstructionist is the lead guy, the boss ?

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Love your enemy

Hate - You may get share of it, especially on social media. My view is that you should never be anonymous or engage with anonymous interlocutors. Engagement with love is a human endeavor, requiring us to deal with other people — not with disembodied messages. And the people who say hateful things openly, with views that are truly worthy of contempt? Remember that their views might be, but that no person is. Repudiate their views, confidently and concisely, but with respect.
If you still object to my argument, you may think I am urging you to find a way toagree with your enemy. That isn’t it. Disagreement — even nonviolent protest, as Martin Luther King showed — is a good thing. It is the essence of the competition of ideas that brings progress and excellence. Love and agreement are not necessarily complementary, or even desirable. If your opponent makes a good point, by all means have the humility to be persuaded, but only if warranted by the facts and your morals.
Nor am I arguing that you must like your enemy. Speaking of Jesus, Martin Luther King said in his sermon: “It’s significant that he does not say, ‘Like your enemy.’ Like is a sentimental something, an affectionate something. There are a lot of people that I find it difficult to like.” You can act out of love — by which I mean to will the good of another — without feeling warm affection. 
Love one another 

Friday, April 19, 2019

Training and mentoring

Ultimately, leadership is not about glorious crowning acts. It's about keeping your team focused on a goal and motivated to do their best to achieve it, especially when the stakes are high and the consequences really matter. It is about laying the groundwork for others' success, and then standing back and letting them shine.

True success for a leader is making a difference in someone’s life and helping to make them better and in the end they will make you better.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


Strategic Leadership: The 5 Characteristics Of A Good Leader
  1. Strong Communication. Without a doubt, being an effective communicator is a top attribute of a strategic leader. ... 
  2. Passion & Commitment. Enthusiasm for your mission or project will get others excited because they can see and feel your dedication. ... 
  3. Positivity. A positive attitude is contagious. ... 
  4. Innovation. ... 
  5. Collaboration.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


“ Lead , Follow or get out of the way “ 

You can make a difference in your work place and in your life , you can lead or follow - both are important ingredients to succeed and both are important but you must choose.
Not everyone is a leader , that is ok but if you are not the lead you must be a good soldier and follow, the one thing you cannot do is choose to be an obstructionist, that will only take you down.
If you work for someone that you do not believe in or someone you do not respect then find the exit door. If you stay and decide to ignore your leaders you are only hurting yourself and others will never respect you and more important you will never respect yourself.

In order to be a good leader you need to have the best interest of those around you and truly care about their input and their work, you cannot fake that or at least you cannot fake it for long. 
Sometimes good people are promoted and with the promotion comes a pay raise and title and as time goes on they realize that they do not enjoy their new title or responsibilities but now they are trapped, what are they to do ? If they are being true to themselves they identify their weaknesses and work on improving and make the right decisions for their overall health and happiness.

The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office. 
Dwight D. Eisenhower

Sunday, April 14, 2019


If you really want one word to be successful it would be - Care
Care about other people and  care about doing your very best .
Yup, it’s that simple.
I am not talking the fake kind of care but the real type, the type where you take the time to know the people around you, to learn their history and what you can do to help them.
The kind of caring about your work where you are always trying to improve and learn and progress the goal of the team.
When you truly care and you learn and “ see” your surroundings you begin to grow and release your selfish ways and worries.
If if it that simple why do people struggle?
It is hard to open yourself up because of fear of being ridiculed or put down and most times we are in defensive mode and I think much of it is because of the crap we carry around from growing up but a lot has to do with fear of money and position in the work place.
Leave those to themselves who hate or gossip or are always angry, try to break their walls down if possible but do not live in their world. Live in your world, the world you want, the world where people care about each other.
Live- Smile - forgive - Care

Friday, April 12, 2019

Don’t Blink

I am not sure about 100 years but I do know that my 62 years was like a blink on an eye ...

I turned on the evening news
Saw a old man being interviewed
Turning a hundred and two today
Asked him what's the secret to life
He looked up from his old pipe
Laughed and said "All I can say is"
Don't blink
Just like that you're six years old and you take a nap and you
Wake up and you're twenty-five and your high school sweetheart becomes your wife
Don't blink
You just might miss your babies growing like mine did
Turning into moms and dads next thing you know your "better half"
Of fifty years is there in bed
And you're praying God takes you instead
Trust me friend a hundred years goes faster than you think
So don't blink
I was glued to my TV when it looked like he looked at me and said
"Best start putting first things first"
Cause when your hourglass runs out of sand
You can't flip it over and start again
Take every breathe God gives you for what it's worth
Don't blink
Just like that you're six years old and you take a nap and you
Wake up and you're twenty-five and your high school sweetheart becomes your wife
Don't blink
You just might miss your babies growing like mine did
Turning into moms and dads next thing you know your "better half"
Of fifty years is there in bed
And you're praying God takes you instead
Trust me friend a hundred years goes faster than you think
So don't blink
So I've been tryin' to slow it down
I've been tryin' to take it in
In this here today, gone tomorrow world we're livin' in
Don't blink
Just like that you're six years old and you take a nap and you
Wake up and you're twenty-five and your high school sweetheart becomes your wife
Don't blink
You just might miss your babies growing like mine did
Turning into moms and dads next thing you know your "better half"
Of fifty years is there in bed
And you're praying God takes you instead
Trust me friend a hundred years goes faster than you think
So don't blink
Naw, don't blink
Life goes faster than you think
Lyrics by Kenny Chesney 

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


Why hate ?
Why do people resort to trying to pull other people down ?
Is making fun of other people comforting to you ?
I always think that if a person is trying to denigrate another person , rather it is about their physical appearance, speech or beliefs it tells me more about the person doing the denigrating then the person that they are trying to make fun of.
Why do you think people do it in the first place ?
Are they that insecure about themselves that they feel the need to hurt other people?
In my business life the one thing that I always found disgusting is when someone made fun of someone else, and most times they waited for that person to leave the room or hang up on a call to do so, how cowardly.
I find absolutely nothing amusing about hurting others.
I always try to live by the rule that if I cannot say it to a person’s face then I should not say it at all.
You are no better then anyone else and if you gain strength by having to pull down others or having to be in a group for backing then you need to rethink your place on this earth and in life.
Want a simple goal - BE NICE
Remember there is a thing called Karma and I fully believe that the way you treat others will come back to you - either way.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019


You can always feel when someone is authentic.
Those that lead, those that separate themselves from the pack have one thing in common- they are authentic.
Those that pretend or lie or try to be something they are not will always fail, sooner or later their real colors show and they can never affect real change, they can never be a true leader.
By being yourself you can also learn to take that weight off your shoulders and start to see people and  start to grow within. As simple as that sounds it is hard to do, most people live most of their lives and can never shed that weight and worry so they hide or try to follow the leader.
The problem is are they are true leader ? Are they authentic? Or are they lost too and selfishly trudging through their live not yet realizing what is their compass.
None of us know the answers, we all struggle to learn and to shed the ugly past that we may have and we allow guilt or money to be a cloak we must learn to shed or work through.
Find the freedom of being yourself.
Be authentic

Monday, April 8, 2019


Why Theatre ? 
Why The Arts?
These can be crazy times and people , young and old, can ask themselves where do I fit in ? Or what can I do to make a difference? 
What is my purpose? - We all need a purpose.
Theatre is much more then plays - pull the curtain back and have a look- what do you see? 
People - young people that are looking for that place where they fit in and are not judged and a place they can feel pride and just be themselves.
You see older people that may have had to work and struggle their whole lives and never had the opportunity to pursue something that they always wanted or maybe they loss a spouse and want to fill that void with something positive.
You see people coming together regardless of race or religion or politics or where they live for the same goals , to learn and laugh and feel the acceleration of accomplishments and working together.
Bonds are made that last a life time. 
You see The Playhouse is a building , a space - it is the people that give it life, that give it a purpose and what makes it special.
At the Arctic Playhouse we have no desire to be the biggest, we do not want to seat 1000 plus people and have actors from around the world, we want to be about the community, about New England about the people.
There are hundreds of great , talented people that just need a space to work to their craft or to volunteer and be a part of something bigger then them.
Get involved- jump in - volunteer- donate - Fill that purpose! 

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Toxic environments

Culture is more important than vision. Some leaders have great vision, but have created a toxic culture where that vision will never happen.
Signs you work in a toxic environment:
1) Disrespect and belittlement 
2) Unreasonable pressure to get short term results at expense of the long term strategy
3) Inequity, unfairness, favoritism, injustice
4) Any kind of harassment and bullying 
5) Lack of empathy, of appreciation, of support
6) Excessive control known as micromanagement
7) Morally questionable environments, lack of integrity, encouragement of dishonesty
In an environment like this, no matter how great a vision and strategy are - they will never be executed on

Great leaders fix toxic cultures. 
They empower, involve, listen, appreciate, challenge,support, mentor. They value hard work and
job well done, honesty, integrity, commitment and dedication.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Atta Boy

To feel rewarding in business you need direction and if you really want to build a happy, hard working, successful team the leader needs to be active and watching and listening.
Good leaders listen and observe and allows their team to do their job and helps the members of the team do their job better.
At the end of every work day or sometime during the work day their should either be a “atta boy” or some guidance or suggestions- that is how you develop “ buy in” .
The other side of that are leaders who do not listen or observe or guide and those team members will slowly but surely “check out”. People need to know what they are doing matters and they want to do better and be appreciated. When leaders or bossses just hide in their office they are sending a message. If they believe that they are too busy they need to structure the work tree differently and hand off those duties to someone they trust and by doing so they need to give the power to that person so their word is worth something and their knowledge will help improve the work space.
Either way people need involvement and they need to be looked at and guided - those “atta boys” are worth a heck of a lot more then you think.
Pay attention!

Monday, April 1, 2019


The more you are in business the more tired you can get.
Tired of the politics, the back stabbing , the lies and the complacency.
The only problem is there is no escaping it, it unfortunately exist in every business, no matter how big or how small. I am not trying to be negative, I am just sharing my 40 years of lessons in business.
We can discuss why we may think it exists and I mostly think it is because of power and money and insecurities but the main thing is to recognize that it is not you and it is not just where you presently work.
So what to do ?
Learn not to hate and do not fall into their trap and their game. Be above it, smile and try not to gossip, it will just weigh you down. If you know in your heart that you are doing your best that is all that matters.
Is it tiresome? Yes - but it can also be rewarding if those few times you can push through and actually form positive alliances.