Saturday, January 7, 2012


Years ago I was in class with my daughter in our church and the priest asked if we thought gossip was a sin. I ran through the ten commandments in my mind and did not remember anything about gossip so I thought no.
We opened up the discussion on it and he had said that it was because gossip hurts people.

I had never thought about it like that before but he was absolutely right.
When we gossip about somebody behind their backs or if we start rumours we hurt people.

If you can not say it in front of the person you should not say it.

I have been with people who talk negative about someone they do not like, I may not even know much about the person that they are talking about but their conversation will stay with me and I may find myself pre judging that person or looking for something that I ordinary may not of.

Rumors and gossip hurt.

As an exercise years ago we sat around 10 people in a line and the first whispered something to the person next to him and then that person had to whisper to the person next to them and by the time it got to the last person in the line it was nothing like what it started.

Through the years I can't tell you how many stories have gotten back to me about Arpin , myself or of others and  they were completely wrong and the crazy part is I find myself trying to convince the person I am talking to that it is not true and in some cases I can tell that they still believe the rumor....crazy.

Stick by the rule that if you can't say it in front of the person that you are talking about then don't say it and if you have a question about a person or a situation go to the not spread is nothing but negative and in my eyes shows weakness.

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