Monday, April 4, 2016

Is today the day ?

Is today the day you change your attitude?

If not when ?

Is today the day you forgive and move on?

If not when?

Is the day the day you start eating healthier or exercise so that you may be around to enjoy your later years with your grandchildren?

If not when?

Ii is up to YOU- stop looking around or pushing of the blame- take responsibility-
Make today the day!
You can change your path, your outlook- start with a smile toward all those that you may meet or talk to. Offer a hand to someone that may need help and remember how good that feels.
Remember that we all have only a certain number of days here on the planet- make them count>

Is today the day ?

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

"It is up to YOU- stop looking around or pushing of the blame- take responsibility-"You know your job,you are good at it....Quit looking at others,comparing yourself to others....Worry about what YOU are doing...The summer is looking great,give up chasing each other and chase the DOLLAR.....