Sunday, March 2, 2014

Stay focused

The best way to stay focused is to stay excited about what you do.

Do not concentrate on how much you will get paid and money, money, money.
Instead stay focused on doing your best, on helping others and doing what you do best.
The rest will follow.

People get lost because they worry about bills and the future and all the " what if's" that could happen. It takes over their day and then effects the very thing that can help them dig out and give them the security that they want and need.
They worry so much about tomorrow and others that they forget to do their job, they forget what they fell in love with to begin with.
It is easy to do.

Instead of using all that energy in a negative, focus it as a positive.
It really works.

What can you do today that will help someone else?
Your customer ? A fellow employee? A friend or relative?

There is so much that YOU can do if you choose to focus and accent the positive.
When you help others and when you simply worry about yourself you begin to lift that negative weight of your shoulders. You find that all that time you spent talking negatively about others or your situation can be used more productively. 

Try it.

When you find yourself in a conversation that begins to go negative stop, first start to recognize that you are in that conversation. You may find that you are participate in those conversations and mind set much more then you even realize.

It is time wasted and energy lost.

What can YOU do to improve YOUR day or help that person right in front you on THIS day.

Stay focused...stay in the moment.

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