Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Help others...Mentor somebody

Are you established in a career?
Have you learned some of hard lessons along the way?
Do you know shortcuts or traps that may help a rookie or someone starting out?

Then be mentor to somebody.

Help them learn what you may have learned the hard way.

If you do I promise you that it will come back to you 10 fold.
And along the way it refresh your memory on the road that got you to where you are.
It may even bring YOU back to the basics. To what helped you succeed in the first place.

As a mentor or a teacher you will learn as much as you teach. We all bring something unique to the table. Even the freshness or youth and nativity may help you look at things differently.

The people that you reach out to and help will always remember you and appreciate your efforts.
And in the end that is true success.

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

After talking to a bunch of drivers,I think the first step would be to teach them maintenance for their truck.....Things are tough,but you can't ignor the simple upkeep...Oil changes,the air cleaner,grease jobs...I know that JB and Snyder do a 25,000 mile oil change,but,they trade trucks in at 2 years...We,as a whole,use a truck 8-10 years and need the rings and bearings to last...My interval is at 10,000 miles with everything getting greased at 5,000.This one I'm in right now is 1.3 million miles...STILL STRONG.