If you want to make friends with your business partners and customers...communicate !
I am still blown away with the amount of people in business that do not simply return a call or a email. I take that as being disrespectful and that they just do not care.
You should always be one step ahead, and let those around you know what to expect and when do expect it.
We have a driver that is in our fleet that sends a few email's every day, sometimes 3-4 depending on the job that he is on. He copies in all parties involved, dispatch, agents and customer care res. It is a great way to conduct business and to be sure that everyone gets the information needed, including YOU.
You cannot over communicate in my book.
The more we talk to each other the more we have the opportunity to succeed.

1 comment:
It's funny,I advertise myself as the most axcessable driver on the planet....You can call me,fax me,text me,e-mail me,HECK,even track me with an app on my phone...IT'S THE FUTURE...
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