Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Real people

I seem to gravitate to real people.
People that talk straight with no bull, people that are trustworthy and honest.
I wrote a blog piece a ways back on Paul Arpin's ability to know, in a very short time , if someone was real. I said he had the best " bull shit " meter.
I thank him daily for the many things that he taught me but I thank him most for passing on that ability to me also.
I can normally tell people that are real and those that are fake. That is why both Paul and I liked working with and respected drivers.
Most drivers that I know are real people, they just want to do a good job and they enjoy helping others.
They smell a salesman or those people that are saying whatever they need to say at the moment.
They can take straight talk and they appreciate it, even if it is not what they want to hear at the moment they appreciate it. Don't sweeten it up or leave parts out , just put it out there honestly and have a honest discussion on how to improve. That is all they ask and that is all I ask.
I have met and been with a lot of fake people and I watch them work and one thing that they all have in common is they seem to have a hallow life. Because fake people really never enjoy the reward of having real relationships. And that is too bad for them, I feel bad for them because they never see what life is really about....relationships, friends, and helping others.
Drivers are "real" and I enjoy helping and working with them. Do not get me wrong their are many other. Business owners and hard working employees that also have the " real" DNA in them and I have had the privilege of working and knowing many of them.
Actually most successful owners of agents in the household business were once drivers. They bring that " real " philosophy with them and their employees see it and gravitate to it also.
Thank you to all of the blur collar real people out there that I have met and had the privilege to learn from and work with.
I am here for you and ready to continue to learn and assist where ever I can.
Stay REAL, stay honest to yourself and others. It will always pay off.
A good friend once told me " Dave , in the end all we have is each other" . Amen. 

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