Monday, October 7, 2013


I’m convinced that leadership is much more about who you are than what you do.

 As such, there is nothing that speaks more to the quality of your character and leadership than the amount of trust people place in you.

How as a driver, or manager do you earn trust?
The key word here is " earn".

You earn the trust of the people around you by caring about them and speaking to the and with them NOT at them.

Do you trust those people around you? How can you truly build a trusting relationship with anybody if you do not trust them too?

People trusting you DOES speak directly to YOUR character. In the end that is how things get done and that is the true value of your work.

Every day a new opportunity will present it self to you to show that you care, that want to help.eople are watching. Build on it, learn from it.


1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

Remember,ALL it takes to not be trusted is getting caught in one lie.