Monday, March 26, 2018


Anger... we all have it and anger can drive you and it can also destroy you.
We carry our anger around like baggage and most it can be because of the past and we either can not come to terms with it or we have not yet learned from it.
Most people that have been diagnosed with a terminal disease come to terms with their anger of the past because they now get it... it just does not matter. The only thing that matters is today, the day that is front you. If you know you only have so many days left then you do not want to waste a day, an hour , you want to absorb all the beauty and all the good around you.
If that is true then why do most people wait to hear those fateful words before they learn to let that anger go ?
Anger can be positive and a motivator because if you take that anger to prove others wrong or to gain some kind of revenge then that can help you climb that mountain and climb that ladder but that said you always have to be conscience of that anger so it does not over take you.
Use it but also learn when to let it go.
Remember in the end anger can destroy... love can build.

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