I think I have always been kind of naive, I never had any grand plan - I just followed the paths in front of me and I tried my very best to be honest and not hurt anyone and enjoy each day.
The first person who change my direction was when I was 11 and a neighborhood kid my age asked if I wanted to join a Boy Scout troop , I did and stayed in till I was 16. I climbed the ranks to obtain the rank of Eagle and learned along the way, mostly giving me confidence in myself.
My father never spent much time with me , he was mostly dealing with the demon of alcohol, so the scoutmaster kinda filled that slot at a time in my life that I needed something positive.
Thank you Mr. D
Next was when I was around 17 working a part time job at the mall washing dishes and scooping ice cream, a manager of a retail store came in for a ice cream and asked me if I wanted another part time job stocking shelves, I said yes and worked my way up to become manager there at the age of 21.
Thank you Frank
It was at that store when I was manager that a young lady would enter my life, she was about 17 and worked at a near by store and came in to borrow a screw driver, later I found out that she was actually there to check out my assistant manager but kinda liked me more. Thank goodness because 5 months later I would marry her- that was January 1981.
Love you Lisa
The next people to come into my life that would change it was David Arpin and Paul Arpin, I started working for them in 1985 and stayed there till 2017 as I worked my way up to Sr Vice President.
Thank you David and Paul
Crazy huh ?
How can you explain it all ?
The only way I can explain it is someone else has been guiding me and putting these people in my path along with countless of others that I have been so very blessed to know and learn from along the way.
Thank you Jesus