Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Creating Good Habits

Creating Good Habits

Follow these steps to develop good habits in your daily life, and to kick-start positive change.

1. Identify What you Want to Achieve

First, note down your personal and professional goals. You'll need to develop new habits to achieve these goals, so it's important that you're clear about what they are.
Now choose one goal, and think about the habits that you'll need to incorporate into your schedule to reach it. What do you need to start doing every day to make this vision a reality?

2. Build Good Habits Into Your Routine

Find ways to build your new habit into your routine. Block out a regular time for it in your schedule, so that you can give your positive habit your full attention.

3. Reflect on Your Habits

As you progress with your new habit, reflect on how it's working for you. If you're struggling to stick to it, think about why this is. Were you too ambitious? If so, consider setting a more manageable short-term goal to remotivate yourself.
Or, if your new habit isn't delivering the change that you expected, reflect on what's gone wrong. You may need to tweak your habit to make sure that it's delivering real change

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

I like to think my best habits center around always trying to find ways to cut time off jobs.I always try to get weights the day before and park as close to residence as possible.Ask anyone in dispatch,I tell my shippers they will see my truck at the curb before 7 am,but I won't bother them until 8....