Saturday, April 20, 2013


Mind your own business...

If I was to advise drivers, agent owners or anyone in business or Even in every day social circles it would be..
Mind your own business.

I see where most people always concern themselves with the other guy, so much so they allow it to consume them.
They spend all their energy trying to find out what "they" said or what "they" do-   they waste all that time and energy when they should just focus on themselves.

I have seen it in every job that I have had and in very faucet of growing up.
I could never understand it and still don't.

A driver once asked me years ago on how he can succeed and I simply advised him to just worry about himself. Do not get sucked into the gossip and people always asking about his work and his loads. He said some time after that he got to understand who is true friends were by the ones that first asked him how- he- was or his family and the ones that just wanted to know what he had on and how much his load paid.

The same in the work place, people always want to know what the other person gets paid and if it is more they start to dis-like that person. I never even thought of that, it never came into play with my thoughts or direction. I was to concerned about trying to learn MY job so I could improve. What they earned or what they did was their concern.
That is still my philosophy.

That is the biggest cancer in business.. if people just worried about themselves and spent all the energy to improve what THEY do- they would enjoy their job and free themselves of ALL that negative energy and time spent.

Mind you OWN business...and you will lighten your me.

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