Sunday, July 22, 2012


Take time this weekend to get the family together for an old-fashioned Sunday dinner.

Whether you plan a midday or early evening meal, slowing down with good food and good company is a grand way to celebrate the importance of family.

Gather the family

Sunday dinners are meant to be multi-generational.

 This means grandparents and toddlers, teenagers and baby boomers sit down at the same time in the same place and break bread.

Make sure the family knows that you are planning a weekend get-together. Call those who live elsewhere, tweet or email, or post a family notice on the bulletin board or refrigerator door. Be specific as to time and place.

Make it clear this is a family affair -- not a major party or minor potluck supper. If you want help with the meal, be sure to ask for it. Your sister, cousin, or mother may offer to bring a salad, dessert, or freshly baked bread. Let them!

An Afternoon Meal

In the old days, Sunday dinner was at two or three o'clock.
 There's good reason for this timetable. It frees the morning for cooking, browsing in farmer's markets, bicycling with the kids, going to church, or household chores.
When it's time for dinner, the afternoon hour means there's time to relax and enjoy the day before it's time for Sunday night, pre-work-week rituals.
If you prefer, an early evening meal is equally rewarding. If any family members have long drives, however, earlier in the day is usually preferred.

1 comment:

Jillian said...

I, for one, LOVE Sunday Dinners! :-)