Saturday, July 7, 2012


For such a small word it has so much to do with your every day....EGO.

As I enter my latter half of my work career I am trying to look back and have a overview of the present. I am trying to learn and then trying to articulate what and why people react the way they do.

So many decisions and walls are made and built due to ego.
Most people have have a tough time letting things go or get very defensive.
It all gets in the way of learning and progressing forward.

In the end it should not matter who was right only that you all learn from the situation and think of ways to make it better.

It seems to me that people's ego always gets in the way. And for those that can not forgive and forget it is even worse. They usually create a wall and their answer then is to just work around the person or persons that they may have a difference of opinion with.

Nothing could be more wrong.

By heading the issue head on and talking honestly you can and will find a bridge and in the discussions will ultimately learn things. Maybe looking at it from another side is exactly what you need.

I find that in the heat of the moment it is difficult but in retrospect you usually can see the other side and by doing so find a solution and better process.

As adults living in the adult world you would think that this is a easy lesson but I truly believe that it our major problem in politics, business as well as in our society.

I fall prey to my ego just like everybody else but as I learn more and grow older I am trying to let it go more and simply forgive and learn from it.

I notice especially when the heat is on and the pressure mounts people have a tendency to look outside them selves to point blame or to find a crutch, I guess it is human nature.

Take a breath and look back at situations when you have a calm head and always try to find a bridge and a better way. You will be the better person for it.

(Easier said then done)

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