Wednesday, July 18, 2012


The biggest challenge for servant leaders

 Two things can keep even the best executives from becoming true servant leaders. “One is false pride—when you think more of yourself than you should. When this occurs, leaders spend most of their time looking for ways to promote themselves. The other is fear and self-doubt—when you think less of yourself than you should. These leaders spend their time constantly trying to protect themselves.”

Surprisingly, the root cause of both behaviors is the same, “The ego.

It's just part of the human condition. Any time I hear someone say that their ego has never gotten in their way, that they are never prideful and never experience self-doubt, I usually say, half jokingly, ‘I'll bet you lie about other things too.’ We all have things that take us off track.”

 It's very powerful when people can share their vulnerability and be more authentic and transparent,”

Ego is the biggest addiction in the world.

 So many people think of their self-worth as a function of their performance plus the opinions of others. But that's a dead-end deal. When your self-worth is somewhere ‘out there,’ it's always up for grabs.”

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