Thursday, September 13, 2018

Words to live by

Below is an excerpt from an article that celebrated the live of a man who was President of a college-
“He led by love,” said students Nicola Alexander and Dani Alva. “He listened and learned and he practiced what he preached. He was one of a kind.”
Those are words we all live by and inspire to.
As we run around and work work work and scratch and claw to make more money and pay the bills and get that promotion we should try our very best to remember we are all just visiting and in the end what will you leave behind? How will YOU be remembered?
He led by love - he listened and learned and practiced what he preached-
I pray that when my day comes those words are said about me.
I have written about goals and how you should have goals for each day as well as 5 year goals- this should be your life’s goal.

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