Thursday, September 27, 2018


Does Character  count ?
Does what you do - speak more of what you believe then what you say ?
We all have done and said stupid things - own them - learn from them.
I do absolutely believe in redemption and forgiveness but first you must admit to failings and for goodness sake not lie- it is ok- we are all human.
I do think character counts and if you are not truly trying to be a good person and have others best interest at heart how on God’s green earth can I truly trust you.
To be a good leader people need to know that they can trust you and that your word is your bond.
Your character is who YOU are and it will follow you wherever you go.
The beautiful thing in life is we can evolve, we can change, we can learn and more important we must evolve.
Muhammad Ali said that if you are the same person at 50 as you were at 20 you have wasted 30 years of your life.
Character Counts

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