Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Bad Guy

It is the plot in every drama, action book or movie and love story- you need a bad guy.
It is the best way to grab an audience- invent a boogie man or villain.
Unfortunately it is also how the real world and business and politics work - follow me not him because they are bad- I am good.
I never followed that path, even back as a very young boy and people tried to grab me to be part of some click but to do we had to shame someone that “ they” dictated as being bad so “ they” made fun of him or her - I hated then and I hate it now.
Don’t TELL me who not to talk to or to work with just because YOU may have I’ll feelings toward them, how in the world do I know if you are right or if you are being spiteful- why should I judge anyone else never mind allow YOU to be my judge.
If the guy is yelling the loudest at the front of line and is mostly using the argument that he or she are the devil there is probably a reason why and most times it has to do more with the person who is doing the yelling.
I will always give everybody the benefit of the dought and I will make up my own mind thank you.
If you need to invent a bad guy to convince me that you are the good guy then I am already suspect-
Worry about you and your house - sell me on you and your ideals - better yet - SHOW ME -

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