Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Truth is the one most important part of life to always strive to seek and to put forth.

Sounds easy right ?

It certainly gets more complicated as we enter “ adulthood “

People have a way of denying the truth or creating their own version of the truth and it can be for many reasons , in business it normally has to do with self survival. At the end of the day people are worried about their job, their status and security so if they have to lend a blind eye or bend the truth they can justify it.
Problem is once you start coloring the truth it gets awfully difficult to recognize the truth. When they say the truth will set you free, it is spot on but raising your hand to the truth can also be a challenge.

Do you speak out, even if you know your direct or boss will be involved ? How far will it get you ?
Will it eventually cost you your job ? Their is our biggest inner struggle, it always sounds easy to speak truth to power until it directly involves you and your security. How to speak out and when and where becomes very important. Just yelling into the wind will not help you or your message, standing up to your boss will not help if they automatically go into defense mode.

So what to do ?

What I do know is if you just go along to get along you become part of the problem.
All you can do is try to not become angry or vindictive because that will eat you up inside and defeat your cause and people around you will eventually just tune you out.
You need to continue to seek the truth and listen to all sides and try to lower the shoulders of the people around you, especially your superiors- again easier said then done but absolutely necessary to try to break down the walls.
Do not make it personal.

Remember what is obvious to you may not be obvious to them and approach with caution because it is human nature for them to always begin by being defensive.

Truth must be your compass and goal in your life -
When your truth starts creating hate or revenge it is the wrong path.
Seek truth through kindness and love.

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