Sunday, September 22, 2013


Do not educate your child to be rich. Educate him to be happy. So when he grows up, he'll know the VALUE of things, not the price.

Try to remember what is truly important, let that be your compass. We get so wrapped up worrying about money we can very easily lose sight of the simple values in life.
If we allow our values to be our compass the rest will fall into place.
Some things are out of our control, actually most things are out of our control but holding true to our values is completely in our control. It just may not always be the easy road or the most profitable road at the time but by standing by what you believe and what is right you can never lose.

Live by that, pass that on, teach your children that and you will be better for it.

Ask yourself , what does being successful mean to you? Stick by YOUR morals, try not to judge because we all fail. We all get caught up in the " money" world.

It does not matter when we awaken to find our inner compass again, what is important is that we recognize it and reach for it. Then pass it on.

What do YOU value?

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

"Two things define you. Your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything"