Setting expectations for our customers in vital to a successful and happy experience-
Setting expectations is one of the basic fundamentals of management; yet, many managers fail to do this very important step effectively. Setting expectations first requires planning.
The more time you invest on the front end, the more effective your team will be when it is in operations mode.
The second component of setting expectations requires communication skills.
People cannot read your mind, so to get your team on the same page as you, you must communicate your expectations clearly, in a way they can be heard, and often several times before they become internalized by others.
Provide Structure
Providing structure starts with defining a direction and setting clear boundaries.
Your direction might come from your boss, your customers, your own vision for the future, or even from the collective wisdom of your team.
However it comes about, it needs to be clearly articulated and spoken about often. It ensures you are all on the same page in terms of what needs to be accomplished.
Next, setting clear boundaries requires defining what is within the scope of work and what is not, what appropriate behavior is and what is not, and what productive work is and what is not. Sometimes this feels bossy; as if you are telling people what to do.
But when people have guidelines within which to operate, they are actually more empowered to act, take initiative, and innovate. -

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