Monday, September 2, 2013

More on Procratination

2. Set Priorities and Stick With Them

Next start your day off with a “to do” list that prioritizes your most important tasks. As your day progresses you watch for some tell-tale signs of procrastination.
These might include leaving an important item on your list until the last minutes of the day when you run out of time to complete it or starting in on a job and then getting up for a cup of coffee or checking your e-mails before you get it done.
If you are going to avoid making procrastination a habit you need to stay focused on the job at hand and not give in to the many distractions that can take you in another direction.

3. Deal With Your Time Management Problem

If you are still struggling after you admit you have a problem and just can’t get your priorities completed you may have a time management problem. You may still be a procrastinator too but get yourself a good time management book and start following some of the techniques they suggest.
You may never be perfect at time management but you will be better and that will certainly help you deal with your procrastination.

4. Eat the Elephant in Small Bites

Another good suggestion is to take large or particularly difficult tasks and break them down into smaller and more manageable pieces. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
This will get you moving and as you complete the smaller pieces you will feel good that you are accomplishing something and eventually you can cross that job off your list. It’s very important to focus on starting the work rather than finishing it.
Thinking about all of the work involved in completing an onerous task can get you down and discouraged. Instead of thinking about the finish line, just get up and running in the race.

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