When NASA discovers there they " have a problem" people's immediate reaction at the Space Center was to start pointing fingers at who's blame it was or what happened.
The leader stepped in and shouted' let's work the problem people"..Failure is not a option".
That is a great lesson for us all, when things start to go wrong...and trust me you will definitely have plenty of these days, do not immediately start to use your tie pointing fingers and blaming others....work the problem.
There will be time to reflect and to try to see how to prevent that same situation in the future.
But at that moment where you find out that there is a problem get to work at a solution.
Work as a team.
What Apollo 13 did was never sort of miraculous and they did it as a TEAM.
People put aside their own agendas and personal feelings and worked together to do the impossible.
Lesson learned-

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