Technology is just like bloodstream of the business. You have to use the technology somehow whether you are running a small scale business or take the control of an international enterprise. In past days, mode of payment was nothing but barter trade system that involved a lot of hurdles and problems. In recent days, a businessman is able to go for either electronic money like credit card, debit card or online payment.
There was a time when a person had to stick with his local area if he intended to start a business as modes of communication and transport were limited and tiresome. He had to spend three to four days for supplying the goods in the other city or country. Contrary to this today businessmen are able to run the business nationally and internationally without even leaving their chair. They can reach to any territory of the world within 24 hours by air.
Internet was introduced for creating connection between military forces but now it has become the first source of communication for the businessmen. A number of professional prefer to start a video conferencing and meeting on personal meeting; this is cost effective and comfortable option than that.
Now it becomes quite difficult for the businessmen to operate e-commerce and trade without technology. They can’t avoid it even after making many efforts. Technology has become an integral part of the business and if we will try to separate it from the business then global economy would collapse.

1 comment:
It is almost impossible nowadays for one to conduct any kind of business or transaction without the assistances of technology. Therefore, the vital role technology is playing for the business fraternity should not be overlooked. Technology entails many benefits for companies doing every kind of enterprise, benefits felt instantly, within days or they can be realized within a short period.
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