Friday, May 18, 2012


3. Organization cramps my freedom and creativity.

Belief: Being organized blocks my creativity, and there's nothing spontaneous about it.

Reality: Organization actually fosters and supports creativity and spontaneity. For instance, the non-stop flood of reminders spinning around your head can disrupt your creativity—reminders such as:

  • Call Kevin at the VA location and check on Joe's move
  • Review Smith's move with driver

Imagine if you could clear your mind of all these lists and transfer them to Microsoft Outlook. You can do this by creating an Outlook task for each item. Storing your tasks in Outlook can create space for new ideas and creative thinking. You can create a task out of any Outlook item, such as an email message, contact, calendar item, or note.

To get control of all the "stuff" in your life, set up a system for storing reference information, turning action information into tasks, and scheduling tasks on your calendar. After you've set up your reference system, you'll find that it supports your creativity and spontaneity. The best result is that you can close your system, knowing that everything is taken care of so you can relax and let go!

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