Thursday, May 31, 2012

Find your outlet

We all need to stop and enjoy each day, tough to do when we are caught up with the stress of work and bills and bringing up a family but the days do fly by and in the end you need to be at peace with yourself that you did your best.

What or where is your spot where your worries disappear?

What do you enjoy?
Music, camping, watching your kids run around in the backyard?

Identify your spot and go there, physically or even just in your head.

Work so you can not live so you can work.

Self guilt can destroy you, don't allow it too. If you enjoy it -then relax and enjoy it.

 Work toward it , think basics, you do not need bigger or better to enjoy.

 Most of life's real pleasuers are simple.

The smile of a loved one, the sound of the wind through the trees in your back deck or just taking the time to grill a burger and have a beer with a friend.

Keep it simple, STOP, LOOK and LISTEN......find your outlook.

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