Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Who Cares?

Who is right?
Who is wrong?

Who Cares?

The goal is to try to get along, to make every day count and to learn along the way.
Most people put to much emphasis on trying to argue the point on who is right and in the interim they usually cause hard feelings so who really wins?

Our goal should always be to try to find common ground and to gain allies and friends.
You will go a lot further with a army of people that support you rather than a group of people that could care less about you or worse pick a vendetta against you.
It is such a waste of time.

It can be very hard at times and you may need to back away in the heat of the moment but by doing so you can enter again with a clear head.
And remember who ultimately cares.....

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

Easy,my favorite quote....EVER.Was Rodney King"Why can't we all just get along?".Just be nice...Polite.Show RESPECT!