Monday, September 8, 2014


There is a quote-  " The Lord's work is not done by men who wear ties ".

Some of the best men that I know and have known never finished high school, do not go to work in the morning with a tie or have a sheepskin hanging on their wall.

You are not measured by how many degrees that you have, you are measured by how many life's you touch.

Everybody has the opportunity every day to make a difference in someone's life. A smile, a helpful hand, an opportunity to train or teach.
Stop looking around to others or feeling like you are not good enough or feeling inferior.
You do not need anybody's approval , you only need your own approval.

Are you happy with who you are? How you act or speak to others?
Do you feel disrespected? Maybe that means you need to start respecting others more.

The men that I have respected most had good old common sense on their side.
They cared about others and treated everybody the way they wanted to be treated.
Title's meant nothing to them, they saw the person in front of them as a equal and acted accordingly.

You do not need a tie or a sheepskin to make a difference.

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