Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Do you prepare before you start your day?

Do you take inventory ?

Do you prep the house?

If you want to succeed you need to be organized, you need to prepare, ask questions way before you start your job or your day.

Do not ASSUME anything ! Do not look for others or somebody else to tell you something.
Be ahead of it....be in control.

The more out in front of it you are the more you will catch a problem before it becomes a problem.
Learn from mistakes and try not to make the same mistake twice.


1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

The prep starts the day before....Looking at Google maps,making sure the address is one I can get to...Making sure the help is going to be there....Making sure the proper paperwork is there..Making sure the shipper is expecting me at the right time..OR earlier!.Getting a cube sheet to make sure the weight is there....This stuff ain't that easy....Way too much..