Monday, November 14, 2011

Not looking beyond your customer

In a recent posting on my blog I wrote about not looking beyond the person that is right in front of you.

To many people have agendas and are always working that agenda to move up the ladder and in doing so they forget to look at that person right in front of them. Unless they fit their agenda or they are someone that they are trying to impress they have no need to lower themselves. To bad because in doing so life is passing them by, learning opportunities pass them by and chances to make honest relationships. Also to bad because in doing so they would find that it would actually help build there agenda.
You hear the phrase from the bottom up so often it can kinda lose it's meaning but that is exactly how you become successful. On the shoulders and with the help of your peers, that is how you build long lasting success. If you look past them and think that your only path to climbing that ladder is by impressing the higher ups you will find success fleeting.

For our drivers and packers it may be hard to stay in the moment and not look past that customer on that day because you have so much on your plate. You are thinking of your next move, of your bills at home, of the game your missing with your kids and so many other things that circle your mind daily.

You need to remember that all though it is just another move for you it is a person or family that is uprooting and having to readjust their whole life.
When they feel that you are looking past them and that you do not see them than you begin to lose them. Their is no connection, at that point they feel just like another one of your moves and that you do not care.

You may do all the right things and wrap up that chair just right so that there is no claim but overall there is no trust, no feeling, no bond.

At that point you not only lose the customer but you lose the opportunity to really make a difference in somebody Else's life and that is the real lost.

Stop...Look and Listen...and I promise- you will be better for it.......YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE.

Check out our interview with driver Tim Norris

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'Morning,Dave!Truer words were never blogged..oops,I mean spoken.LOL.This plays right into your analogy on 'INVOLVEMENT'(posted tomorrow).We all need to get AND stay involved with our customers.Everyone should be LOOKING together.....this 'Creates our Custmers for LIFE'......mmL