Saturday, September 16, 2017

Where you came from

Never forget where you came from.

I have watched many a buisness man fail because they simply got to big for their britches and forgot where they came from and why they started to succeed.

When you are starting out you are appreciative of the opportunity and work hard and are respectful of those around you- do not ever forget that.

I have watched people start with nothing and work themselves up the ladder of success only to forget what it was like at the beginning and run to fast and lose perspective.
Who helped you ? Who did you emulate or learn from ?
 Never forget the ones that help lift you up or gave you those words of encouragement when you needed them- pay it forward- stay humble.

The Journey is the real reward, most times people either get too greedy or start attaching themselves to those around them that let's say do not have their best interest at heart - always keep one eye open and stay true to the person you were at the beginning of your journey.

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