Thursday, September 21, 2017


Sometimes what is obvious to you is not so obvious to others.
If you have a good work ethic and truly respect others you just cannot understand those that do have that in their DNA , and you can get frustrated that they not only do not have that same work ethic or respect for others, thus starts the rub or the hill you must climb.
The rub is what is so obvious to you is not to them so what do you do ? How can you stay focused on your job and work with people that you know are not of the same make up ?
Well you best find that bridge because they will always exist around you, there will always be people that only have their self interest at heart and are in positions that they they should not have because they did work their way up the ladder so get over it and learn to work with them. Maybe you have to lend a blind eye or leave it for another day or avoid them but you cannot allow their incompetence or low morals to effect you or your day.

If you are in management or are in charge of a crew the answer is different, if you have people that are working for you with a low bar for morality or a poor work ethic it is your job to try your best to show them what they are doing wrong and how to improve, you must be their coach .
 If for whatever reason you cannot seem to get their attention you must replace them for their own good as well as yours.

If it is your manager or boss that is struck with this low work ethic or moral code then that becomes a bit more difficult, you still need to stay on the high road and do your job. If you can that while still under their umbrella then put your blinders on and move on but normally if you are working for someone with that mentality even if you get along with them today and they do not effect your job they may turn on you tomorrow, Because their sellfish gene dominates their other genes it can be hard to be loyal because their only true loyalty is to themselves.

Remember what may be obvious to you may not be to others so be patient, do your job and always try to build bridges.

If you are working for someone you do not respect or who may treat you ok but dis respects others then you may want to reevaluate your job. You can only truly grow if you believe in your leaders and your product so start to look for a plan B and make the move on your time table.

You deserve to be happy and work in a positive environment and for people that hold your same morals. Do not settle or is short..enjoy what you do and good things will come.

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