Friday, September 29, 2017


preparation = success

Preparation is like anything else , it must become habit and it is something that YOU are responsible for. You need to be ahead of your day and you need to be sure you have the proper tools to do your job.

Think ahead.

If you do not have the proper information needed- get it- and you should prepare as much ahead as you can. If you wait to the last minute to prepare you are leaving to much to chance.
In order to do your job you may need to do the job of others, if you need it then do not leave it for others to get it to you- chase it- ask the questions, become as self efficient as possible.
Always think out the worse case senerios and be ready with a plan B.


Write things down ! Make a check off list- most important- follow up ! You will not get all your answers right away, you will get voicemail, your email will not get returned, you will get bounced from one rep to another- follow up and follow through.

Should it be streamlined ? Should other people help get you the information you need ?? Yes and yes but guess what ? This is life - no matter where you and what you do you will run into the same issues.

There are people who care about doing a good job and their are others that just show up and the ones that just show up can effect your work so you need to work with them or around them but you cannot allow them to bring you down.

Work it -find a way- be prepared ! - Don't just show up !

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