Tuesday, June 14, 2016

10 Things to Get Out of Your Head to Become Fully Present

10 Things to Get Out of Your Head to Become Fully Present

  1. Turn off your email. Not forever. Just try it for one day.
  2. Sing. Loudly and off key is perfectly acceptable. I sing in the car at full volume with the windows down!
  3. Dance. With abandon. My daughter dances on the soccer field. My wife shimmies and shakes when she cooks.  Dance down the hallway to your office. Music is optional.
  4. Breathe. Deeply. And again. And again. And again. Suck in air all the way to the bottom of your lungs—and now a little deeper. Let it out slowly.
  5. Laugh. At your favorite comedian, at a movie, at the silly things little kids do.
  6. Help someone else. I highly recommend holding doors open or letting someone go in front of you in the grocery store.
  7. Praise someone. Sincerely.
  8. Thank someone. Sincerely.
  9. Call a friend or a family member to say “I love you—and here are 5 reasons why.”
  10. Look someone in the eyes. Really look. SEE who they are.
Bonus Activity
  1. Put your phone down for 15 minutes. Turn it completely off.
Being fully present is a gift you give to others and to yourself. It improves the quality of interactions with others and the overall quality of your life.

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