Thursday, August 13, 2015

Who Am I ?

Who am I?

This is more than a “name, rank and serial number” kind of question. Knowing who you are means you deeply understand why you’re here and the unique contributions you intend to make — not just to the organization, but also to the larger world. It means having a profound sense of purpose in your life and the capacity to articulate it well, so that you engage and inspire others.

 You should be able to fill in the blank in the sentence “My purpose in life is to ___________. “

If you can’t, it’s time to start working towards that answer, because your success as a leader depends upon it.

 Authentic leaders are able to visualize the sight line between their own purpose and the mission of the organization to such a profound degree that their work is more than a job — it’s an extension of who they are.

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