Saturday, August 1, 2015

Successful people

Successful people are passionate about what they do.

Passion tops the list because "if you love what you're doing, it will be so much easier to develop the other seven success traits,"

He says there are two types of people: strivers and seekers. Strivers know what they want to do early and can go for it from a young age, like Tiger Woods. The majority of people, however, are seekers. They have to discover what they love.

 There's one easy question you can ask yourself to determine if you've found your passion: "Would you do it for free?" If the answer is yes, then you've likely found it.

"Do what successful people do and follow your heart, not your wallet,"
 "In the end, your wallet will be happy you did."


Road Warrior said...

The REAL successful people around you have some thing you did not mention....Support...That's simple,Everyone around you contributes to your success.We can't succeed without help,and we need to look to thank others as to why it works...At Arpin,it's the family,I might point out just one of many,that helps me every day,Deb Lee...Always happy,always willing to help,ALWAYS,leaves me with a better attitude....LOVE talking to her....Trish Manchester is another....

Unknown said...

I think that people deceive themselves by not understanding that you must be successful at being and finding who you are first in order to be financially successful. Most think money , money , money ...
You need to truly become the best person you can be first in order to become successful at what you do. And if you can achieve that, you can and will become successful at your craft, financially and most importantly as a person...
And just like the Road Warrior says, we all need friends... It would be sad to be successful and alone at the same time...