Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Letter of the Law

Are you a Boss or Manager?
Are you in charge of crews or laborers?

Do you make them follow the letter of the law?
Do you know them as a person?

If you know the people that you are in charge of then you should know if they truly care about what they do. You should know if they give 100% every day and are willing to learn.

When one of your employees or crew members make a mistake do you recite the policies or do you wait for the proper moment and use it as a teachable moment?

There are times that fines or discipline may be needed but if you know the person and they have a good record and a good work ethic then use common sense and approach it carefully.

Sometimes not following the letter of the law is in order.
Show compassion and watch your tone.

Try to remember that you catch more bees with honey than vinegar.
After all in the grand scheme of things just how big is the mistake?

People will remember how you react and will be more apt to want to follow you and do better if they feel respected.

Take a breath and turn a negative into a positive. 

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