Saturday, February 28, 2015

Social Media

How to wrap our arms around social media?
It can certainly be a wonderful tool to communicate with and share stories and stay connected with friends and family.
It can also be a venue for hate and negative and a way to spread gossip.

That is the biggest difference with terrorist groups of today, there have always been groups of people in all of history that band behind a religion to rage war and kill.
The biggest difference and the scariest is today they recruit and spread their twisted believes to millions across the world.
How can we monitor that or control it?
We cannot-
Then What? How do we combat it ?

Same goes for our day to day lives both personally and in business. How we do stop cyber bullying or stop someone from spreading lies and hate?
It is impossible to stop others from doing whatever it is they want to do in the privacy of their own home or space.

All you can do is educate your kids, your friends and co workers to try to stay positive and to not get sucked into the drama or the hate.
If there is a question or a conflict confront that person the old fashion way, in person or pick up the phone.
Remember that there are always two sides to the story, sometimes three.
Do you really want to play judge and jury?

If a person takes to the airwaves and social media to air their dirty laundry does that already tell you what you need to know about them?

The internet is a marvelous tool but unless we wrap our arms around it's use and have more education and verbalization on what we, what you, expect from participating in the social media aspect of it we will continue to waste good oxygen and time on the wrong subjects.

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