Saturday, April 26, 2014

He should have done it

He should have done it...

It was his Fault...

 It's not my job...

All phrases that are like fingernails on a blackboard to me.
Pushing blame or not taking responsibility is a pet peeve of mine.

When something goes wrong or situations arise I immediately try to work the problem then I reflect on how it could of been avoided and what I could of done to avoid it.

I always bring it back to me , even if someone else did drop the ball what could I have done to foreseen it?
What could I have done to train better or could I have done more homework in advance or anticipated the situation better.

It comes back to taking control...taking responsibility.

Do not push the blame off or point the finger it shows weakness and others will not respect you nor should you respect yourself.

Take note at most professional coaches or managers in sports, they always fall on the sword. Think how petty they would look if they threw someone from their team under the bus. Not to speak of how the team would respond.
He may say and do something different behind doors but I assure you he is thinking what HE could have done differently to prevent the loss or the issue.

Live, learn and try to better anticipate situations and PREPARE properly in advance.

Always have a strong plan... and a plan "B"... ( maybe even a plan "C")

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

Mind you,I am Older,but I have to wonder about the "Bart Simpson-IDIDNOTDOIT,NOBODYSAWMEDOIT,YOUCAN'T PROVEANYTHING"mentality...Take charge and stand up,BE A MAN and simply say it's my fault,I'll find a way to fix it...IT'S MY JOB!THE RESPECT YOU'LL EARN IS WORTH IT...