Sunday, March 17, 2013

It is OK to Fail

It is OK to fail...that is how we learn.

It is better to have tried and failed then never to have tried at all.

People will point at you and may put you down but normally those are the people that sit on the sidelines while you are doing the hard work. Do not let it get you down. As long as you are trying your very best and you intentionally do not hurt anybody you can not go wrong.

If you mess up - learn from it and move on.

 If those that sit on the sidelines criticize- take a breath and realize exactly who they are. Do not let their words hurt you because that is their only offense, that is really all they know. Allowing their words to penetrate only gives them power that they do not deserve.
After all they have not even earned it.
 Do not give your power to them.
Take a deep breath, form your own words correctly, for a battle of words with them will only slow you down and get you no where.

Keep working hard...It is OK to and try to help others-

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