Saturday, March 23, 2013

4- Pretend you have unlimited money

4. Pretend you have unlimited money.

My favorite way to solve a problem is to ask myself, What would Victoria do? There is no way Victoria Beckham puts up with the level of problems I do. If Victoria needs a stamp, she doesn’t think twice, she hands the letter to someone else. I tell myself that for every problem I have.

So, I’m in the car sixteen hours a week, and I start thinking, What would Victoria do?

First, I tried doing coaching calls during my car ride. But I kept losing my concentration and missing my exits. I couldn’t program the GPS, so I bought two iPhones—one for talking to me about directions and the other iPhone for coaching. But I got frustrated only people in Australia want to talk that late at night.
Then, I tried listening to books on tape. But I’m a really fast reader and it just frustrated me how slow it was. Then I tried hiring a driver, but the social demands of being with a driver for sixteen hours a week were too much. Then, I decided to dictate blog posts to Melissa. And look, that’s how I did this one.

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