Monday, March 25, 2013

" I have not failed "

The Fear of Success

The fear of success credo might go something like this: " If I really try to achieve a goal and don't do it, then I would of failed. If I don't really try to succeed then I won't have failed". Sounds kind of silly when you put it that way, doesn't it? In reality this presents many people from succeeding because they see trying hard at something as being risky.

You have to risk possible failure by trying, perhaps that's true, but you are guaranteed failure by not trying !

The persistent Thomas Alva Edison famously said about his idea for the light bulb: " I have not failed. I've found 10,000 ways that won't work". He never considered giving up and now we have him to thank when we switch on a light.

No one does anything perfectly all the time, although it may sometimes appear that others do when you're watching them from the outside.

Success does not come from perfection; it comes from consistently moving in the right direction, which eventually brings you where you want to be, and that is something you really don't need to fear.

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