Monday, March 18, 2013


Downtime is critical to brain function.  It is different from “rest”; it isn’t doing nothing, rather it is doing nothing that has a pre-defined goal.  This state is not very well understood, though certainly it is not something that is encouraged in our culture.  However, all the research points to the fact that good things happen in the brain when you let it roam about unfettered.  Insight is often preceded by disconnecting from goal directed thinking; how many of your great ideas popped into your head while in the shower?

 This is not just you, it is a common experience that sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to walk away from it.

It is currently thought that down time permits integration between the left and right brain and ultimately leads to creative problem solving and better decisions.  So next time you have an opportunity for a “nothing” moment, seize it, and relax into it.  It isn’t evidence of a character flaw; rather it is a much needed mode for your brain to operate at its best.

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