When you hear some " famous " people talk, be it actors or athletes or such, they speak about themselves in the third person. When they talk you can still see that they think the world revolves around them.
When you heard Lance Armstrong talk you just got the feeling that he was saying things for his own sake. For his reputation or to cover his behind. You never ever felt that he was truly sincere.
Until he decides to let it go and and truly serve a cause that is BIGGER then himself he will not " get it".
I know of middle class families that may struggle, they may not even have a savings but they do good for others EVERY DAY. Their rewards will be ten fold as opposed to those that think that they are smarter because they make make money.
I have worked with people that sole purpose in life is to make as much money as humanly possible, and they have stated such in meeting rooms. There is nothing wrong with ambition and goals, in fact it is good and healthy to have both. But to say that is your sole purpose in life tells me that you just don't get it.
I admire the teacher that stays after school to help a student that may need a little extra attention. Or the person who volunteers to help in the soup kitchens or with organizations that helps others.
They may not be " rich " in the monetary sense but they are certainly rich beyond belief with compassion and love for their brothers and sisters.
And that my friends is what we will all be judged on in the end.
Serve a cause bigger then yourself.
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