When you conduct most investigations into why people , or businesses , do what they do many times you will find the almighty dollar has a lot, if not everything, to do with it.
Today is 10 years since we had the horrific Station Fire in West Warwick R.I. where 100 people died in a nightclub.....needlessly.
After months of investigations after the disaster it all kept going back to greed and money.
Rather it was the club owners that did everything on the cheap or the band that just wanted more attendance and revenue it all had to do with money.
The club had way too many people in it but no one would ever turn away people because it would mean less money.
The club was never outfitted with the proper sprinkler system because it would of meant more money.
The club owners just tacked up foam, any type of foam insulation, over already foam insulation because it was the cheap way out.
Read the book " A Killer Show" sometime and it will go into much more detail on this fire and decisions that were made, or not made, purely because of money and greed.
And the result was the loss of 100 lives - 100 people that simply went out for a night to hear music and forget themselves for a few hours- ages 18-55- all gone because they simply trusted that where they were going was safe and that people in decision making positions were making proper decisions and the "right" choices not simply based on profit and greed.
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