Tuesday, February 12, 2013

15 Ways to be a Arrogant Leader

15 Ways to be an arrogant leader:
  1. Rush. “Important” people don’t have enough time.
  2. Look serious. The more important you are the more serious you look.
  3. Detach. “Arrogance comes from detachment.” Henry Mintzberg.
  4. Take calls or text during meetings. Now we know you’re important. Ooooo!
  5. Know. Act like you know when you don’t. Arrogance makes learning difficult.
  6. Delegate dirty work.
  7. Isolate. Be too good for the “little” people.
  8. Insulate. Create protective environments.
  9. Interrupt.
  10. Blow up. Anger and arrogance are relatives.
  11. Gossip.
  12. Tell don’t ask.
  13. Speak don’t listen.
  14. Complain and blame rather than solve and support.
  15. Surround yourself with groveling yes-men.

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