There is already a lot of discussion on good luck or bad luck or a black clouds or fate.
I believe that people make their own fate in many ways and their own luck.
I also believe in Karma...what you do to others will come back to you..good or bad.
That is where we make our own fate. We position ourselves by the choices that we make every day. And by the people that we choose to associate with and how we treat others.
I watch people that live a unhealthy life and walk all over people and then say that it is just bad luck that bad things continue to happen to them.
I am not talking about health issues that we have no control over but choices that we make that can effect our present and future life.
If you choose the easy road all the time or if you know that something is wrong and you do it anyway then guess what? You probably will deserve what comes your way.
If you work hard, try your very best not to purposely hurt anyone you are on the right path.
Now nothing good comes easy so sprinkle in a lot more hard work and dedication and will prosper even more.
Next.... really- listen to others and you will go to the next level.
Because if you really listen you will understand the people around you more and quite possibly it will help you build bridges that would never have imagined that you could build.
You absolutely make your own luck...and when something bad happens you have to shake it off and stand back up and move on. Don't over dramatize.
Life is too short.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
3 ways to succeed in your pajamas!
From Ken Blanchard..famous author of many management books..
( This one might be more geared for the in-house businessman and agent and not so much the driver )
Telecommuting, virtual teams and remote work have many advantages for organizations and productivity. At the same time virtual workers often have concerns about their lack of recognition and visibility since they aren’t seen at the office every day.
What many don’t realize is fewer opportunities means more control over perceptions.
When you work in the office, people see you every day. They see you when you didn’t get much sleep, when you got stuck in traffic, and when you have a seasonal cold. They see you when sick, crabby, tired and anxious.
Wise virtual workers ensure that everyone who interacts with them stays positive about them and their work by controlling how they present themselves.
When you work virtually, you can show up in every interaction, positive and professional.
( This one might be more geared for the in-house businessman and agent and not so much the driver )
Telecommuting, virtual teams and remote work have many advantages for organizations and productivity. At the same time virtual workers often have concerns about their lack of recognition and visibility since they aren’t seen at the office every day.
What many don’t realize is fewer opportunities means more control over perceptions.
When you work in the office, people see you every day. They see you when you didn’t get much sleep, when you got stuck in traffic, and when you have a seasonal cold. They see you when sick, crabby, tired and anxious.
Wise virtual workers ensure that everyone who interacts with them stays positive about them and their work by controlling how they present themselves.
When you work virtually, you can show up in every interaction, positive and professional.
- On the phone: Before you answer the phone, take a minute to breathe, smile and choose a positive vocal tone.
- If you must have uncomfortable conversations over the phone, (better than via email!) you can prepare notes in advance scripting exactly how you want to communicate the message. And you can read those rehearsal notes while on the call.
- You can also listen and make notes while others are venting. Good notes mean you can reflect and show empathy toward their feelings and thoughts without eye contact or having your facial expressions and physical reactions give you away.
- Via email: Consider using the “delay delivery” setting rule on your emails for 10 minutes. This way, after you hit send you have one last chance to review or reword so you don’t regret later the tone your email communicated. (I am sure you didn’t mean it that way!)
- Video-conferences: This is my favorite. Go ahead and wear those pajama pants when telecommuting, just make sure you computer camera only shows how nice you look from the waist up.

Monday, February 25, 2013
You Matter
You matter.
You are one of a kind! In this world of nearly 7 billion people there is no one exactly like you and that makes you a precious, rare jewel. You owe it to the world to share your uniqueness with those around you. We don’t want to miss out on your brilliance.
You matter.
Life isn’t about you. Until you understand that true joy and fulfillment comes from placing the needs of others ahead of your own, you will fail to grasp how much you matter. Serving yourself may lead to quick success but it will eventually leave you unfulfilled. Serving others leads to lifelong significance.
You matter.
You are not alone. There are times when everyone doubts their self-worth, but the good news is that if you seek them out, you’ll find many people who are willing to come along side you to provide mentoring and coaching.
You matter.
“Why?” is the wrong question. Whenever we face a challenge in life our first instinct is to ask, “Why?” “Why did this have to happen?” “Why me?” Obsessing on “why?” can paralyze and prevent you from realizing how much you matter. Instead of dwelling on the “why” of your circumstances, focus on the “what.” “What can I learn?” “What do I need to do to grow from this experience?”
You matter.
Share your story. An excellent way of serving others and discovering how much you matter is to share your story—the challenges you’ve faced, the struggles you’ve conquered, the mountain tops you’ve climbed as well as the valleys you’ve traversed. You’ll be amazed at how many people have experienced similar life situations and the strength and support that results from the bonds you create.
You matter.
You are one of a kind! In this world of nearly 7 billion people there is no one exactly like you and that makes you a precious, rare jewel. You owe it to the world to share your uniqueness with those around you. We don’t want to miss out on your brilliance.
You matter.
Life isn’t about you. Until you understand that true joy and fulfillment comes from placing the needs of others ahead of your own, you will fail to grasp how much you matter. Serving yourself may lead to quick success but it will eventually leave you unfulfilled. Serving others leads to lifelong significance.
You matter.
You are not alone. There are times when everyone doubts their self-worth, but the good news is that if you seek them out, you’ll find many people who are willing to come along side you to provide mentoring and coaching.
You matter.
“Why?” is the wrong question. Whenever we face a challenge in life our first instinct is to ask, “Why?” “Why did this have to happen?” “Why me?” Obsessing on “why?” can paralyze and prevent you from realizing how much you matter. Instead of dwelling on the “why” of your circumstances, focus on the “what.” “What can I learn?” “What do I need to do to grow from this experience?”
You matter.
Share your story. An excellent way of serving others and discovering how much you matter is to share your story—the challenges you’ve faced, the struggles you’ve conquered, the mountain tops you’ve climbed as well as the valleys you’ve traversed. You’ll be amazed at how many people have experienced similar life situations and the strength and support that results from the bonds you create.
You matter.
When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. And that's my religion.
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.
What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself.
It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues.

You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Native American Proverbs and Wisdom

Don't be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. - Hopi
It is better to have less thunder in the mouth and more lightning in the hand. - Apache
They are not dead who live in the hearts they leave behind. - Tuscarora
All plants are our brothers and sisters. They talk to us and if we listen, we can hear them. - Arapaho
Tell me and I'll forget. Show me, and I may not remember. Involve me, and I'll understand. - Tribe Unknown.
When we show our respect for other living things, they respond with respect for us. - Arapaho
If we wonder often, the gift of knowledge will come. - Arapaho
Most of us do not look as handsome to others as we do to ourselves. - Assiniboine
Those that lie down with dogs, get up with fleas. - Blackfoot
We always return to our first loves. - Tribe Unknown
When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice. - Cherokee
Those who have one foot in the canoe, and one foot in the boat, are going to fall into the river. - Tuscarora
The weakness of the enemy makes our strength. - Cherokee
When the white man discovered this country, Indians were running it. No taxes, no debt, women did all the work. White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee
Poverty is a noose that strangles humility and breeds disrespect for God and man. - Sioux
We will be known forever by the tracks we leave. - Dakota
Do not judge your neighbor until you walk two moons in his moccasins. - Cheyenne
Force, no matter how concealed, begets resistance. - Lakota
Our first teacher is our own heart. - Cheyenne
Everyone who is successful must have dreamed of something. - Maricopa
All who have died are equal. - Comanche
Remember that your children are not your own, but are lent to you by the Creator. - Mohawk
Man's law changes with his understanding of man. Only the laws of the spirit remain always the same. - Crow
What the people believe is true. - Anishinabe
You already possess everything necessary to become great. - Crow
It is less of a problem to be poor, than to be dishonest. - Anishinabe
He who would do great things should not attempt them all alone. - Senec
Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children. - Tribe Unknown
The rainbow is a sign from Him who is in all things. - Hopi
When a man moves away from nature his heart becomes hard. - Lakota
Saturday, February 23, 2013
The Year was 1988
US PRESIDENT: Ronald Reagan & George H. W. Bush HEADLINES: US birth rate is highest since 1964 ~ Terrorist bomb causes Pan Am 747 crash over Lockerbie, Scotland ~ US Navy Warship Vincennes mistakenly shoots down commerical Iranian Airline 655 ~ More than 1/3 of Yellowstone National Park is destroyed by fires ~ Earthquake in Armenia kills 60,000
POPULAR TV SHOWS: Roseanne ~ A Different World ~ Empty Nest ~ Dear John ~ ALF ~ L.A. Law ~ Matlock
SONGS: Bad Medicine ~ Dirty Diana ~ Every Rose Has Its Thorn ~ Got My Mind Set on You ~ Grovy Kind of Love ~ Hold Onto the Nights ~ Kokomo ~ Look Away ~ Love Bites
SPORTS: Champions include Los Angeles Dodgers (baseball), Washington Redskins (footbal) Edmonton Oilers (hockey), Steffi Graf and Stefan Edbery (singles at Wimbledon Tennis)
COST OF LIVING: Granulated Sugar 1.09 per 5 LBS. ~ New Car $10,432 ~ Gasoline .91 per gallon ~ Eggs .69 per dozen ~ Bacon 1.85 per pound ~ Ground Hamburg 1.25 per pound ~ Fresh Bread 1.08 per loaf ~ Postage Stamp .25 ~ Average Rent $420 ~ Movie Ticket 3.50
POPULAR MOVIES: Rain Man ~ Mississippi Burning ~ A Fish Called Wanda ~ Bull Durham ~ Biloxi Blues ~ Die Hard ~ Beetlejuice ~ Who Framed Roger Rabbit ~ Big ~ Great Outdoors ~ Crocodile Dundee II ~ Twins

POPULAR TV SHOWS: Roseanne ~ A Different World ~ Empty Nest ~ Dear John ~ ALF ~ L.A. Law ~ Matlock
SONGS: Bad Medicine ~ Dirty Diana ~ Every Rose Has Its Thorn ~ Got My Mind Set on You ~ Grovy Kind of Love ~ Hold Onto the Nights ~ Kokomo ~ Look Away ~ Love Bites
SPORTS: Champions include Los Angeles Dodgers (baseball), Washington Redskins (footbal) Edmonton Oilers (hockey), Steffi Graf and Stefan Edbery (singles at Wimbledon Tennis)
COST OF LIVING: Granulated Sugar 1.09 per 5 LBS. ~ New Car $10,432 ~ Gasoline .91 per gallon ~ Eggs .69 per dozen ~ Bacon 1.85 per pound ~ Ground Hamburg 1.25 per pound ~ Fresh Bread 1.08 per loaf ~ Postage Stamp .25 ~ Average Rent $420 ~ Movie Ticket 3.50
POPULAR MOVIES: Rain Man ~ Mississippi Burning ~ A Fish Called Wanda ~ Bull Durham ~ Biloxi Blues ~ Die Hard ~ Beetlejuice ~ Who Framed Roger Rabbit ~ Big ~ Great Outdoors ~ Crocodile Dundee II ~ Twins

Friday, February 22, 2013
8 Ways to be a Courageous Leader
By Steve Tobar of Inc Magazine

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.--Winston Churchill
I was standing in front of the boardroom, my last slide up on the screen. Everyone knew what was coming.
"Is that all you marketing $#*!s know how to do," my CEO lashed out, "cut prices?" He was fuming.
"No, that's not all I know how to do," I said. "But if we don't do it, we're going under."
It took courage to propose what I knew would unhinge our famously mercurial and intimidating CEO. Likewise, it took courage for him to listen and ultimately agree to do something that was as foreign to him as dry land is to fish.
As leadership attributes go, courage is the big one. It comes from facing and overcoming fear. And the reward for that effort couldn't be bigger. For present or future executives, business owners, and entrepreneurs, courage will enable you to ...
Follow your gut when everyone tells you you're crazy. Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin spent years trying to get anyone who would listen to invest in their idea of a dedicated search company. They never gave up. Entrepreneurs do that all the time.
Take risks with big downsides and no safety net. Every small-business owner knows exactly what that feels like. It's scary. It keeps you up at night. Sometimes the only counterbalance is your strength of will and your courage.
Deliver bad news. One of the hardest things for a manager or business owner to do is to tell employees, customers, or investors what they don't want to hear, to tell it to them straight.
Face your critics and listen openly to what they have to say. You can do that only if your courage and humility outweigh your ego and hubris.
Act on your beliefs, knowing it may cause you pain. When Whole Foods CEO John Mackey wrote The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare, he knew it risked alienating customers. Indeed, many boycotted the supermarket chain.
Take on bigger, better-funded competitors. All over the world, thousands of entrepreneurs and small-business owners do this every day.
Look in the mirror and confront what you see. As Thoreau said in Walden, "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." So many of us live in denial because we're afraid to see ourselves for what we really are.
Challenge your comfort zone and face your fear. An associate of mine was so shy as a child, he nearly passed out when he had to speak in class. Now he's a CEO. Likewise, I had a terrible fear of public speaking. It's far more common in successful people than you might think.
Where does courage come from? You're not born with it. You develop it through experience. Every time you face a fear, you build confidence and courage. No matter the outcome, it's never as bad as your fear makes it out to be. That's what makes the "get back up on the horse" metaphor so powerful.
That said, every time you give in to fear, that reinforces it. Sooner or later, you simply run out of opportunities to face your fears. And that leads to regret.
Facing fear and thwarting regret have always been powerful motivators for me. Why, I'm not exactly sure. But I do know it's served me well throughout my career and my life.
Another thing I can tell you with absolute certainty is this: The potential to overcome fear and build courage is equal inside each and every one of you. What you do with it is entirely up to you.

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.--Winston Churchill
I was standing in front of the boardroom, my last slide up on the screen. Everyone knew what was coming.
"Is that all you marketing $#*!s know how to do," my CEO lashed out, "cut prices?" He was fuming.
"No, that's not all I know how to do," I said. "But if we don't do it, we're going under."
It took courage to propose what I knew would unhinge our famously mercurial and intimidating CEO. Likewise, it took courage for him to listen and ultimately agree to do something that was as foreign to him as dry land is to fish.
As leadership attributes go, courage is the big one. It comes from facing and overcoming fear. And the reward for that effort couldn't be bigger. For present or future executives, business owners, and entrepreneurs, courage will enable you to ...
Follow your gut when everyone tells you you're crazy. Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin spent years trying to get anyone who would listen to invest in their idea of a dedicated search company. They never gave up. Entrepreneurs do that all the time.
Take risks with big downsides and no safety net. Every small-business owner knows exactly what that feels like. It's scary. It keeps you up at night. Sometimes the only counterbalance is your strength of will and your courage.
Deliver bad news. One of the hardest things for a manager or business owner to do is to tell employees, customers, or investors what they don't want to hear, to tell it to them straight.
Face your critics and listen openly to what they have to say. You can do that only if your courage and humility outweigh your ego and hubris.
Act on your beliefs, knowing it may cause you pain. When Whole Foods CEO John Mackey wrote The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare, he knew it risked alienating customers. Indeed, many boycotted the supermarket chain.
Take on bigger, better-funded competitors. All over the world, thousands of entrepreneurs and small-business owners do this every day.
Look in the mirror and confront what you see. As Thoreau said in Walden, "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." So many of us live in denial because we're afraid to see ourselves for what we really are.
Challenge your comfort zone and face your fear. An associate of mine was so shy as a child, he nearly passed out when he had to speak in class. Now he's a CEO. Likewise, I had a terrible fear of public speaking. It's far more common in successful people than you might think.
Where does courage come from? You're not born with it. You develop it through experience. Every time you face a fear, you build confidence and courage. No matter the outcome, it's never as bad as your fear makes it out to be. That's what makes the "get back up on the horse" metaphor so powerful.
That said, every time you give in to fear, that reinforces it. Sooner or later, you simply run out of opportunities to face your fears. And that leads to regret.
Facing fear and thwarting regret have always been powerful motivators for me. Why, I'm not exactly sure. But I do know it's served me well throughout my career and my life.
Another thing I can tell you with absolute certainty is this: The potential to overcome fear and build courage is equal inside each and every one of you. What you do with it is entirely up to you.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
From Driver Skip...
Early Basement,Late Attic????
As movers we are always running into things shippers just want to get rid of,and I have taken advantage of that on more than one occasion,here are two..
The first one was DOWN TOWN Philly.....Can you say,RUT ROH,parking permit required(parking was 2 blocks away from the office building I was loading from)4 guys,a bunch of 4 wheel dollies and we find out what it is I'm getting....The shipper was dead,his personal records about(from being his attorney)Senator Joe McCarthy(yes THAT Joe,the communist hater),about 10,000#'s of book cartons was all,ALL???Try pushing 10,000 pounds 2 blocks(oh yeah,that's right,we USED to get paid for it,huh,huh,huh).The job was going out to the bay,to an author who was doing research for a book. The owners name was Hamilton Long(
).Think about that,it's history and we were almost done and I started pulling file boxes off an old Lawyers desk,got a look at it and said the the shippers rep,nice desk,his words were”why,you want it?We are just throwing it into the dumpster”.....HECK yes,rolled it out into the truck and hauled it around for 3 months before I got home....Now,this was a nice desk,just needed to be refinished,WALNUT(I'm writing on it right now)and I needed one.....Funny thing was the rest of the story.....
When I got it into the house,first thing was to clean it out,ALL kind of stuff,even still has the datebooks from the '70's in it right now. The best thing was a hand written letter from Long to Mike Mansfield dated at the same time of the Cuban Missile crisis. But,I'm getting ahead of myself again.....Lets look at some history...
How many of you knew Stalin spoke fluent English,yet insisted upon 3 separate interpreters at the Berlin Peace talks?(His idea was it gave him time between exchanges to think).YUP,I looked,It seems Long's idea was that Krustev was also that smart,had NO intentions of setting up those misses,just wanted a bargaining tool for Kennedy to save face,AND Castro to be the FOOTHOLD of communism in the western hemisphere,and that's what was in that letter.....Framed and on the wall....
The second story was from West Palm Beach,Florida,and centered on the ex-wife of one of those wall street executives who got busted for insider trading and was in JAIL....Well?She got the divorce,$30 grand a month in alimony and child support and was living in a 9000 square foot house.The estimate was 32,000 pounds and I got a jump on the inventory on Sunday afternoon,took my time and Monday 8 am,I had 2 crews out there ready to rock.One crew for each trailer,rear side door of the front trailer on one side of the drive,and the front side door of the back trailer on the other....Things went well,closed the door at 4 pm.
Then on to destination....Here's where it got interesting,Into a 1700 square foot house in Orange county,California....When I pulled up to it....The NIGHTMARES started.....So-from 6 am,'till 9 am(yes,she was that late,and drunk when she arrived)we sat there sweating as to where 32,000#'s was gonna fit....She finally broke down and to told me the truth as to why of the move,it seems her ex had been released from Prison,got with the courts about custody,and alimony(with her getting busted for DUI,drugs and booze 6 times)managed to get custody of their kids....His new job was in California and that's why the move.....The rest of the story......
The alimony was reduced to $3000,and this was all she could afford now.When I asked her where it was to fit,her answer was to fill every room up,except the kitchen and master bedroom....OK,did that,filled the garage up to,still had a deck of the last trailer to go and no-where to put it...She just gave up and told me to get rid of the rest,she did not need it(???).The best part is,one of my regular guys was a newlywed,in other words,he needed any furniture he could dig up and a bunch of it...What was left?Ethan Allen Dining room set,end tables,2 sofa's(I remembered those sofa's as being heave,no beds of recliners,just really good frames),that,minus the OS,I gave to the newlywed.I kept those sofa's on the truck and showed them to my wife..She pulled a cushion up and said....”You have no Idea what you have here,DO YOU?”.The fill on those things was DOWN.....Many birds had died for them...They are still in my living room....Ask anyone who's been here about them...
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
When you pull the thread and follow it long enough you will normally find greed at the end.
When you conduct most investigations into why people , or businesses , do what they do many times you will find the almighty dollar has a lot, if not everything, to do with it.
Today is 10 years since we had the horrific Station Fire in West Warwick R.I. where 100 people died in a nightclub.....needlessly.
After months of investigations after the disaster it all kept going back to greed and money.
Rather it was the club owners that did everything on the cheap or the band that just wanted more attendance and revenue it all had to do with money.
The club had way too many people in it but no one would ever turn away people because it would mean less money.
The club was never outfitted with the proper sprinkler system because it would of meant more money.
The club owners just tacked up foam, any type of foam insulation, over already foam insulation because it was the cheap way out.
Read the book " A Killer Show" sometime and it will go into much more detail on this fire and decisions that were made, or not made, purely because of money and greed.
And the result was the loss of 100 lives - 100 people that simply went out for a night to hear music and forget themselves for a few hours- ages 18-55- all gone because they simply trusted that where they were going was safe and that people in decision making positions were making proper decisions and the "right" choices not simply based on profit and greed.

When you conduct most investigations into why people , or businesses , do what they do many times you will find the almighty dollar has a lot, if not everything, to do with it.
Today is 10 years since we had the horrific Station Fire in West Warwick R.I. where 100 people died in a nightclub.....needlessly.
After months of investigations after the disaster it all kept going back to greed and money.
Rather it was the club owners that did everything on the cheap or the band that just wanted more attendance and revenue it all had to do with money.
The club had way too many people in it but no one would ever turn away people because it would mean less money.
The club was never outfitted with the proper sprinkler system because it would of meant more money.
The club owners just tacked up foam, any type of foam insulation, over already foam insulation because it was the cheap way out.
Read the book " A Killer Show" sometime and it will go into much more detail on this fire and decisions that were made, or not made, purely because of money and greed.
And the result was the loss of 100 lives - 100 people that simply went out for a night to hear music and forget themselves for a few hours- ages 18-55- all gone because they simply trusted that where they were going was safe and that people in decision making positions were making proper decisions and the "right" choices not simply based on profit and greed.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Over 100 years ago....
Show this to your friends, children and/or grandchildren!
The year is 1910, over one hundred years ago. What a difference a century makes!
Here are some statistics for the Year 1910:
The average life expectancy for men was 47 years.
Fuel for this car was sold in drug stores only.
Only 14 percent of the homes had a bathtub.
Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone.
There were only 8,000 cars and only 144 miles of paved roads.
The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph.
The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower!
The average US wage in 1910 was 22 cents per hour.
The average US worker made between $200 and $400 per year.
A competent accountant could expect to earn $2000 per year, a dentist $2,500 per year, a veterinarian between $1,500 and $4,000 per year, and a mechanical engineer about $5,000 per year.
More than 95 percent of all births took place at HOME.
Ninety percent of all Doctors had NO COLLEGE EDUCATION!
Instead, they attended so-called medical schools, many of which were condemned in the press AND the government as 'substandard.'
Sugar cost four cents a pound.
Eggs were fourteen cents a dozen.
Coffee was fifteen cents a pound.
Most women only washed their hair once a month, and used Borax or egg yolks for shampoo.
Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from entering into their country for any reason.
The five leading causes of death were:
1. Pneumonia and influenza
2, Tuberculosis
3. Diarrhea
4. Heart disease
5. Stroke
The American flag had 45 stars.
The population of Las Vegas, Nevada was only 30!
Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and iced tea hadn't been invented yet.
There was no Mother's Day or Father's Day.
Two out of every 10 adults couldn't read or write and only 6 percent of all Americans had graduated from high school.
Eighteen percent of households had at least one full-time servant or domestic help.
There were about 230 reported murders in the ENTIRE U.S.A.!
I am now going to forward this to someone else without typing it myself.
From there, it will be sent to others all over the WORLD... all in a matter of seconds!
Try to imagine what it may be like in another 100 years.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Listen to Your Junkman
Listen to your junk man....he's singing....he's singing
That is a line from a Bruce Springsteen song he wrote in the late 70's and it has stayed with me my whole life.
The line tells you that true happiness is from within and certainly not in a title or work position or money.
That same person that you drive past and maybe think your better than is very happy, he's singing while he works.
How many of you are truly happy at your job and just sing while you at it?
You probably started that way and still can be but you let the outside pressures get in your head.
You strive for more, more money , more power, a bigger better life.
Sometimes less is more.
Your happiness will not lie in your position in your work place or your bank account.
Listen to your junk man.....he's singing.....
That is a line from a Bruce Springsteen song he wrote in the late 70's and it has stayed with me my whole life.
The line tells you that true happiness is from within and certainly not in a title or work position or money.
That same person that you drive past and maybe think your better than is very happy, he's singing while he works.
How many of you are truly happy at your job and just sing while you at it?
You probably started that way and still can be but you let the outside pressures get in your head.
You strive for more, more money , more power, a bigger better life.
Sometimes less is more.
Your happiness will not lie in your position in your work place or your bank account.
Listen to your junk man.....he's singing.....
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Down in the “Big Easy”
From driver Skip...
As a young driver,I had a special time down in the “Big Easy”I need to tell about....
LATE '70's,I had a trip from the Bay(Chevron Accounts)down to New Orleans.What made this one different was a breakdown in west Texas that put me way behind.I only had one full day to get from Ozona Texas to the Big Easy,the hours were going to be rough......ALL at 55 mph,DANG,long day,just kept the left door closed all day and when I pulled onto the street(for the first time there)at the agent it was past 9 pm.I'd been at it 14 hours and had NOTHING to eat,just thought when I got parked,I'd walk and find something.....My surprise was within 10 blocks the only 2 places open were a bowling alley and a small hole in the wall bar....What the heck,1 beer and I'll be hammered,go to bed and get something in the am,I chose the bar and went inside....Sat at the bar and ordered a beer from this 400 pound old woman who had no teeth(Mable was her name),and her first words to me were”It's Tuesday,Red Beans,rice,and smoked sausage come free with your beer”I asked her if I could KISS her right on those toothless lips.She almost fell over laughing and then I told her just how hungry I was,4 plates later,I went to bed.....
I had a total of 5 jobs dropping there and the 4 to load right back for the bay,needless to say I became a regular there and Mable(after the second night)took me back into the kitchen,and spent the next 10 days teaching me Cajun cooking......DANG!Jambalaya,crawfish,Cajun chicken,red beans and rice....The list goes on......Let me say this one more time....DANG!
I'll give you guys a small sample and the trick she used for her hot wings....No breading,just wash the wings and drop the in hot oil,when the skin starts to crisp,dip them out and immediately dip them into melted butter,the on to a plate for a dousing of Louisiana hot sauce(Trappy's,the Bull,Texas pete's,anything from New Iberia)let it cool just a bit and PIG OUT.....
So yes,it's not just the moves I have fond memories of,it's EVERY aspect of my life for the last 37 years....
Saturday, February 16, 2013
A Perfect Example
I normally try not to talk politics...BUT...
Going on at the moment the Senate is in discussion on appointing Senator Hagel as our Secretary of Defense.....but... before they do they are out to teach him a lesson.
Because Senator Hagel, A Republican, disagreed seven years ago with then President Bush, also a Republican, and was boisterous about it he is being punished now.
Pay no never mind that he fought in the war and saved lives -(A recipient of two Purple Hearts while an infantry squad leader in the Vietnam War, ) and he has a honorable record as Senator. He spoke out and had a different opinion so he is being held up as a example of what happens to those that do not stay in lock step.
You can disagree with his opinions and certain stands on issues but that is not what was directly said by Senator McCain, who said directly in an interview that the reason that they are putting through all of this is because " he stepped on too many toes".
He will eventually be appointed but they are trying to set an example and run him through the coals first.
Folks, that is what is wrong with not only our politics but with the business world as we know it today. Too many people are afraid to speak out or have a different opinion in fear of retribution.
We can not learn or grow as a county or business we can not prosper with that philosophy.
We need a two party system for that very reason, so that we hear the other side. The same goes for business and for that matter your personal life.
No one should shrink or be afraid to talk or disagree.
Amazing, when our leaders do this it sets a bad example and people act as if it is acceptable.
It is not. This is a perfect example of how NOT to act or react.
Going on at the moment the Senate is in discussion on appointing Senator Hagel as our Secretary of Defense.....but... before they do they are out to teach him a lesson.
Because Senator Hagel, A Republican, disagreed seven years ago with then President Bush, also a Republican, and was boisterous about it he is being punished now.
Pay no never mind that he fought in the war and saved lives -(A recipient of two Purple Hearts while an infantry squad leader in the Vietnam War, ) and he has a honorable record as Senator. He spoke out and had a different opinion so he is being held up as a example of what happens to those that do not stay in lock step.
You can disagree with his opinions and certain stands on issues but that is not what was directly said by Senator McCain, who said directly in an interview that the reason that they are putting through all of this is because " he stepped on too many toes".
He will eventually be appointed but they are trying to set an example and run him through the coals first.
Folks, that is what is wrong with not only our politics but with the business world as we know it today. Too many people are afraid to speak out or have a different opinion in fear of retribution.
We can not learn or grow as a county or business we can not prosper with that philosophy.
We need a two party system for that very reason, so that we hear the other side. The same goes for business and for that matter your personal life.
No one should shrink or be afraid to talk or disagree.
Amazing, when our leaders do this it sets a bad example and people act as if it is acceptable.
It is not. This is a perfect example of how NOT to act or react.
Friday, February 15, 2013
The Four "C"'s
Below is a posting from a piece in Forbes by Victor Lipman..
Conflict – A good manager has to be able to handle conflict. I call conflict “the currency of management.” You often get it from all sides: sometimes-unreasonable demands from those above you and howls of protests from those below. Being able to balance such conflicting needs in a reasonable and effective way – satisfying The General while maintaining the troops’ loyalty – is critical. While you don’t have to love conflict (most people don’t), you have to be at least somewhat comfortable in the fray. You can’t be a conflict avoider.
Communication – Good managers are effective communicators. Though this is a bit trite, it’s true. Any relationship – be it personal or business – founders on weak communication. You can’t be emotionally stingy when praise for an employee is deserved, or say nothing when corrective action is needed. Every really effective manager I knew was intuitive, perceptive… and an open, honest communicator.
Confidence – Management is no place for the emotionally fragile. For the reasons already mentioned – being regularly buffeted from above and below – you have to be able to ‘take a punch’ and come back the next day (or more likely the next 10 minutes) with a positive attitude. An ample dose of self-assurance, though not cockiness, is a valuable asset.
Conscience – The best and most respected managers I knew had a conscience. They were solid role models. They wanted to do the right thing, both for their own management and for their employees. Some readers might disagree and say, no, all you really need to succeed is the ability to please your own boss on the backs of your direct reports. There’s some truth to this; it does happen. But over the long term, managers of this type pay a high price in terms of employee morale, productivity and retention. It’s possible they’ll “succeed” in their own careers, but they won’t be respected.
Conflict – A good manager has to be able to handle conflict. I call conflict “the currency of management.” You often get it from all sides: sometimes-unreasonable demands from those above you and howls of protests from those below. Being able to balance such conflicting needs in a reasonable and effective way – satisfying The General while maintaining the troops’ loyalty – is critical. While you don’t have to love conflict (most people don’t), you have to be at least somewhat comfortable in the fray. You can’t be a conflict avoider.
Communication – Good managers are effective communicators. Though this is a bit trite, it’s true. Any relationship – be it personal or business – founders on weak communication. You can’t be emotionally stingy when praise for an employee is deserved, or say nothing when corrective action is needed. Every really effective manager I knew was intuitive, perceptive… and an open, honest communicator.
Confidence – Management is no place for the emotionally fragile. For the reasons already mentioned – being regularly buffeted from above and below – you have to be able to ‘take a punch’ and come back the next day (or more likely the next 10 minutes) with a positive attitude. An ample dose of self-assurance, though not cockiness, is a valuable asset.
Conscience – The best and most respected managers I knew had a conscience. They were solid role models. They wanted to do the right thing, both for their own management and for their employees. Some readers might disagree and say, no, all you really need to succeed is the ability to please your own boss on the backs of your direct reports. There’s some truth to this; it does happen. But over the long term, managers of this type pay a high price in terms of employee morale, productivity and retention. It’s possible they’ll “succeed” in their own careers, but they won’t be respected.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Have The Courage To Show Respect
Great piece from another business blog...
I'm not sure what's going on lately, but I'm encountering more rude managers than ever before.
Maybe it's the economy. Maybe it's the weather. Maybe it's a sign of the times. Whatever the reason -- I don't care. Rudeness, bullying, treating team members, customers, vendors, and others with disrespect is wrong.
True leaders don't do that; cowardly individuals with leadership titles do.
True leaders give and then earn respect; cowardly individuals demand respect and fail to give it. True leaders create teams and organizations that pull together and succeed; cowardly leaders thrive on creating conflicts among team members and wonder why their organization's never seem to operate smoothly.

Let me share just two examples of cowardly leadership:
- A privately-held company is transitioning ownership to the second generation. The sons are taking over the leadership positions and are planning to grow their business outside the U.S. versus continuing to build it domestically. Fine. They have every right to determine their company's growth strategies. However, the new "leaders" held individual "Company" meetings with the current senior staff in a restaurant, during which they fired each senior staff member for "Lack of Performance". The "leaders" thought if they held the meetings in a public place, each employee would be less likely to make a scene. These "leaders" for some reason believed this was the right way to treat their long-term employees: Lie to them about the reason for the meeting; lie to them about the reason for their employment termination; and then force them to deal with this humiliating and infuriating situation in a public restaurant. They would rather repeatedly treat loyal employees poorly, than simply be true leaders and have honest, upfront conversations with their employees about their business decisions.
- A team of highly-respected members of the community were participating in a series of work sessions. To the community, for the most part, they appeared to be a tight-knit, highly effective group. However, outside the work sessions and behind the scenes, they would back-stab, and focus more on how to demean and demoralize one another instead of how to create additional, pro-active initiatives for the community. During one of the work sessions, a few of the team members almost came to blows as they unknowingly started to behave publicly, as they'd only done in private: Sarcasm; veiled, negative comments; and out-right rude comments broke through. Needless to say, it wasn't pretty. Community members were stunned. These "leaders" had each decided it was more important for them individually take a stand, "win," and "publicly kick someone else's @&$" than to focus on being leaders, professionals, and role models.
I wish I could say I was making up these stories, but I'm not. To me, they're the epitome of narcissistic and cowardly leadership.
Leadership is about courage and accountability.
It's about putting your comfort zone and needs AFTER your team's needs. It's being accountable to do the job you're being paid to do. It's being courageous enough to do what's right and respectable, even when it's painfully hard. Employees, customers, vendors, and all other stakeholders count on leaders to do the right thing and be the type of leader they want to follow. Effective leaders know: It takes courage to be a leader.
Be courageous and show some respect.
I'm not sure what's going on lately, but I'm encountering more rude managers than ever before.
Maybe it's the economy. Maybe it's the weather. Maybe it's a sign of the times. Whatever the reason -- I don't care. Rudeness, bullying, treating team members, customers, vendors, and others with disrespect is wrong.
True leaders don't do that; cowardly individuals with leadership titles do.
True leaders give and then earn respect; cowardly individuals demand respect and fail to give it. True leaders create teams and organizations that pull together and succeed; cowardly leaders thrive on creating conflicts among team members and wonder why their organization's never seem to operate smoothly.

Let me share just two examples of cowardly leadership:
- A privately-held company is transitioning ownership to the second generation. The sons are taking over the leadership positions and are planning to grow their business outside the U.S. versus continuing to build it domestically. Fine. They have every right to determine their company's growth strategies. However, the new "leaders" held individual "Company" meetings with the current senior staff in a restaurant, during which they fired each senior staff member for "Lack of Performance". The "leaders" thought if they held the meetings in a public place, each employee would be less likely to make a scene. These "leaders" for some reason believed this was the right way to treat their long-term employees: Lie to them about the reason for the meeting; lie to them about the reason for their employment termination; and then force them to deal with this humiliating and infuriating situation in a public restaurant. They would rather repeatedly treat loyal employees poorly, than simply be true leaders and have honest, upfront conversations with their employees about their business decisions.
- A team of highly-respected members of the community were participating in a series of work sessions. To the community, for the most part, they appeared to be a tight-knit, highly effective group. However, outside the work sessions and behind the scenes, they would back-stab, and focus more on how to demean and demoralize one another instead of how to create additional, pro-active initiatives for the community. During one of the work sessions, a few of the team members almost came to blows as they unknowingly started to behave publicly, as they'd only done in private: Sarcasm; veiled, negative comments; and out-right rude comments broke through. Needless to say, it wasn't pretty. Community members were stunned. These "leaders" had each decided it was more important for them individually take a stand, "win," and "publicly kick someone else's @&$" than to focus on being leaders, professionals, and role models.
I wish I could say I was making up these stories, but I'm not. To me, they're the epitome of narcissistic and cowardly leadership.
Leadership is about courage and accountability.
It's about putting your comfort zone and needs AFTER your team's needs. It's being accountable to do the job you're being paid to do. It's being courageous enough to do what's right and respectable, even when it's painfully hard. Employees, customers, vendors, and all other stakeholders count on leaders to do the right thing and be the type of leader they want to follow. Effective leaders know: It takes courage to be a leader.
Be courageous and show some respect.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Humility requires more confidence than arrogance. Fear makes us pretend we know, when we don’t, for example.
Humility is found, expressed, and nurtured in connecting. Arrogance pushes off; humility invites in. Withdrawal suggests independence; connecting expresses interdependence.
Humility builds trust. Trust fuels leadership. But you can’t trust arrogant people. They reject what’s right for what makes them look good, when necessary.
How to be a powerful humble leader:
Humility requires more confidence than arrogance. Fear makes us pretend we know, when we don’t, for example.
Humility is found, expressed, and nurtured in connecting. Arrogance pushes off; humility invites in. Withdrawal suggests independence; connecting expresses interdependence.
Humility builds trust. Trust fuels leadership. But you can’t trust arrogant people. They reject what’s right for what makes them look good, when necessary.
How to be a powerful humble leader:
- Stand your ground where values are concerned. Humble leaders submit to noble values.
- Realize you aren’t your title.
- Demand excellence from yourself, first.
- Call for, and enable excellence. (Emphasis on enable.)
- Don’t believe your own press. People aren’t telling you the full truth.
- Serve.
- Sit at the side not the head.
- Brag about others. Fools make others feel they don’t matter.
- Say thanks. Gratitude softens arrogance.
- Invite feedback.
- Ask as well as tell. Curiosity reflects humility. Warning: questions may be control-tools. I confess that I use questions to control conversations and divert attention from myself.
- Do the opposite of the arrogant leader list.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
15 Ways to be a Arrogant Leader
15 Ways to be an arrogant leader:
- Rush. “Important” people don’t have enough time.
- Look serious. The more important you are the more serious you look.
- Detach. “Arrogance comes from detachment.” Henry Mintzberg.
- Take calls or text during meetings. Now we know you’re important. Ooooo!
- Know. Act like you know when you don’t. Arrogance makes learning difficult.
- Delegate dirty work.
- Isolate. Be too good for the “little” people.
- Insulate. Create protective environments.
- Interrupt.
- Blow up. Anger and arrogance are relatives.
- Gossip.
- Tell don’t ask.
- Speak don’t listen.
- Complain and blame rather than solve and support.
- Surround yourself with groveling yes-men.
Monday, February 11, 2013
10 Ways to Increase Your Job Satisfaction
10 Easy Ways to Increase Your Job Satisfaction
Even though your job may be defined and requires a specified set of activities, it’s possible with a can-do attitude to make many changes that will improve your motivation and interest.1. Build on your relationship with your employer
Make your job more meaningful by understanding the mission and goals of your organization and taking part in furthering its objectives. This may mean volunteering for a task force or committee whose work interests you, or simply getting clear on how your work participation benefits the organization.2. Contribute toward improving the workplace
When you see something which can be done to improve the productivity or functioning of the organization, bring this up at a meeting, or talk with a responsible administrator. Involvement in improving the workplace will add to your feeling of being a contributing member of the organization.3. Take part in opportunities provided by the organization
This may be in special projects, training opportunities, employee benefit programs, etc.4. Organize your work; set daily goals
Make your desk an efficient center with resources at your fingertips. Take a comprehensive view of your daily workload, and reorganize to be more effective. To the extent possible, you can alternate the unappealing tasks with those that you enjoy. Plan each day on what you intend to accomplish. Meeting the goal at the end of the day will bring a sense of satisfaction.5. Take stock of yourself in relation to your future goals
Where are you in relation to your future goals? What can you accomplish or learn on this job that will help you move toward those goals. When you examine your work in relation to this question, you will see many ways in which what you do each day will take you a step closer toward what you want to do in the future.6. Set some self-improvement goals
Think of how you can add to your learning and skills in your work which will bring you personal satisfaction in moving toward your goals. This can be to improve your computer skills, to learn a technical skill related to your work, to improve your writing, or to become more organized and efficient.7. Take up a creative pastime
If your work becomes too intensive, too cerebral, or boring, take up a personal project that is creative. This is something you can focus on during breaks or lunch time, and will be something you will look forward to. It can be to develop a line for self-employment as something to move into in the future.8. Take time to relax and stretch out
Take mini-breaks during the day to do ergonomic exercises, or to stretch and walk.9. Treat yourself
Bring a snack you enjoy and can look forward to having during breaks.10. Interact with coworkers
Develop relationships with coworkers and others in the organization. Exchanging ideas and experiences can further your knowledge and skills, and also add meaning to your work. The networking that you establish can be an asset for a future job.All of this point to the necessity of taking stock of yourself, and making the present job count and contribute toward your professional goals. Increasing job satisfaction in the above manner takes on a larger importance in this perspective.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Two kinds of people
There are two kinds of people.
Those that advance in the work place by building those around him up.
Those that advance in the work place by taring those around him down.
The first has confidence in himself and wants others to improve and takes the time to explain and train.
The second normally lacks confidence and feels the only way for him to advance by knocking his co-workers.
Long sustainable growth and reward comes from when others around you grow BECAUSE of you. When they shout and sing your praises. When you go into your bosses office hoping for a raise he should already know what you have done and what you are worth from the input he has already received from others.
Singing your own praises will only go so far. After a while it falls on deaf ears.
When you grow and advance it needs to be from other lifting you up not you stepping on them to get there. Those that are aggressive and hurtful to obtain their goals will ultimately fail. It shows up every time.
I wise man once said be good to those around you on the way up cause they are the same people you will meet on the way down.
Which kind of person are you ?
Those that advance in the work place by building those around him up.
Those that advance in the work place by taring those around him down.
The first has confidence in himself and wants others to improve and takes the time to explain and train.
The second normally lacks confidence and feels the only way for him to advance by knocking his co-workers.
Long sustainable growth and reward comes from when others around you grow BECAUSE of you. When they shout and sing your praises. When you go into your bosses office hoping for a raise he should already know what you have done and what you are worth from the input he has already received from others.
Singing your own praises will only go so far. After a while it falls on deaf ears.
When you grow and advance it needs to be from other lifting you up not you stepping on them to get there. Those that are aggressive and hurtful to obtain their goals will ultimately fail. It shows up every time.
I wise man once said be good to those around you on the way up cause they are the same people you will meet on the way down.
Which kind of person are you ?
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Serve a cause bigger then yourself
If you really want to grow or be a better person then serve a cause bigger then yourself.
When you hear some " famous " people talk, be it actors or athletes or such, they speak about themselves in the third person. When they talk you can still see that they think the world revolves around them.
When you heard Lance Armstrong talk you just got the feeling that he was saying things for his own sake. For his reputation or to cover his behind. You never ever felt that he was truly sincere.
Until he decides to let it go and and truly serve a cause that is BIGGER then himself he will not " get it".
I know of middle class families that may struggle, they may not even have a savings but they do good for others EVERY DAY. Their rewards will be ten fold as opposed to those that think that they are smarter because they make make money.
I have worked with people that sole purpose in life is to make as much money as humanly possible, and they have stated such in meeting rooms. There is nothing wrong with ambition and goals, in fact it is good and healthy to have both. But to say that is your sole purpose in life tells me that you just don't get it.
I admire the teacher that stays after school to help a student that may need a little extra attention. Or the person who volunteers to help in the soup kitchens or with organizations that helps others.
They may not be " rich " in the monetary sense but they are certainly rich beyond belief with compassion and love for their brothers and sisters.
And that my friends is what we will all be judged on in the end.
Serve a cause bigger then yourself.
When you hear some " famous " people talk, be it actors or athletes or such, they speak about themselves in the third person. When they talk you can still see that they think the world revolves around them.
When you heard Lance Armstrong talk you just got the feeling that he was saying things for his own sake. For his reputation or to cover his behind. You never ever felt that he was truly sincere.
Until he decides to let it go and and truly serve a cause that is BIGGER then himself he will not " get it".
I know of middle class families that may struggle, they may not even have a savings but they do good for others EVERY DAY. Their rewards will be ten fold as opposed to those that think that they are smarter because they make make money.
I have worked with people that sole purpose in life is to make as much money as humanly possible, and they have stated such in meeting rooms. There is nothing wrong with ambition and goals, in fact it is good and healthy to have both. But to say that is your sole purpose in life tells me that you just don't get it.
I admire the teacher that stays after school to help a student that may need a little extra attention. Or the person who volunteers to help in the soup kitchens or with organizations that helps others.
They may not be " rich " in the monetary sense but they are certainly rich beyond belief with compassion and love for their brothers and sisters.
And that my friends is what we will all be judged on in the end.
Serve a cause bigger then yourself.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Historical Trivia
Did you know the saying "God willing and the Creek don't rise" was in reference to the Creek Indians and not a body of water? It was written by Benjamin Hawkins in the late 18th century. He was a politician and Indian diplomat. While in the south, Hawkins was requested by the President of the U.S. to return to Washington . In his response, he was said to write, "God willing and the Creek don't rise." Because he capitalized the word "Creek" it is deduced that he was referring to the Creek Indian tribe and not a body of water.
In George Washington's days, there were no cameras. One's image was either sculpted or painted. Some paintings of George Washington showed him standing behind a desk with one arm behind his back while others showed both legs and both arms. Prices charged by painters were not based on how many people were to be painted, but by how many limbs were to be painted. Arms and legs are 'limbs,' therefore painting them would cost the buyer more. Hence the expression, 'Okay, but it'll cost you an arm and a leg.' (Artists know hands and arms are more difficult to paint.)
As incredible as it sounds, men and women took baths only twice a year (May and October). Women kept their hair covered, while men shaved their heads (because of lice and bugs) and wore wigs. Wealthy men could afford good wigs made from wool. They couldn't wash the wigs, so to clean them they would carve out a loaf of bread, put the wig in the shell, and bake it for 30 minutes. The heat would make the wig big and fluffy, hence the term 'big wig. ' Today we often use the term 'here comes the Big Wig' because someone appears to be or is powerful and wealthy.
In the late 1700's, many houses consisted of a large room with only one chair. Commonly, a long wide board folded down from the wall, and was used for dining. The 'head of the household' always sat in the chair while everyone else ate sitting on the floor. Occasionally a guest, who was usually a man, would be invited to sit in this chair during a meal. To sit in the chair meant you were important and in charge. They called the one sitting in the chair the 'chair man.' Today in business, we use the expression or title 'Chairman' or 'Chairman of the Board.'
Personal hygiene left much room for improvement.. As a result, many women and men had developed acne scars by adulthood. The women would spread bee's wax over their facial skin to smooth out their complexions. When they were speaking to each other, if a woman began to stare at another woman's face she was told, 'mind your own bee's wax.' Should the woman smile, the wax would crack, hence the term 'crack a smile'. In addition, when they sat too close to the fire, the wax would melt . .. . Therefore, the expression 'losing face.'
Ladies wore corsets, which would lace up in the front. A proper and dignified woman, as in 'straight laced' wore a tightly tied lace.
Common entertainment included playing cards. However, there was a tax levied when purchasing playing cards but only applicable to the 'Ace of Spades.' To avoid paying the tax, people would purchase 51 cards instead. Yet, since most games require 52 cards, these people were thought to be stupid or dumb because they weren't 'playing with a full deck.'
Early politicians required feedback from the public to determine what the people considered important. Since there were no telephones, TV's or radios, the politicians sent their assistants to local taverns, pubs, and bars. They were told to 'go sip some Ale and listen to people's conversations and political concerns. Many assistants were dispatched at different times. 'You go sip here' and 'You go sip there.' The two words 'go sip' were eventually combined when referring to the local opinion and, thus we have the term 'gossip.'
At local taverns, pubs, and bars, people drank from pint and quart-sized containers. A bar maid's job was to keep an eye on the customers and keep the drinks coming. She had to pay close attention and remember who was drinking in 'pints' and who was drinking in 'quarts,' hence the phrase 'minding your 'P's and Q's'.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Four Signs You will Fail as a Leader
From Les McKeown, President and CEO of "Predictable Success"...
Time for some tough love. Here are the four most common behaviors of an ineffective leader who thinks otherwise. Recognize any?
1. You know everything.
The weaker the leader, the more they know.
When I meet with weak or ineffective leaders, they can (and do) talk about their business for hours, uninterrupted and without assistance from others. There's nothing they don't know, no-one they need to consult and no information that's not to hand. The whole experience is like sitting with them in a goldfish bowl while the real world carries on outside.
Talking with truly effective leaders is just the opposite. They involve others when discussing their business. Whether it's putting the VP Sales on speakerphone or wandering down the corridor to talk with the warehouse manager, strong leaders know they can't--and shouldn't--know everything about their business. They build strong teams and are proud to depend upon them.
2. You're always busy. Yes, running a business (or a division, department, project, group or team) is time consuming--sometimes to the point of exhaustion.
No, it's not a sign of leadership strength to be permanently over-scheduled and over-worked.
If you have no time to think; if you can't recall the last time you took a walk around the block to clear your head, then you're not truly leading. If you're not taking time to set the strategic compass of your organization, who do you think is?
3. Your default perception of others is negative. When truly effective leaders talk, one thing becomes noticeable. When discussing others, whether their employees, vendors or customers, the conversation typically trends toward the positive.
Strong leaders look for success in others. They focus on what has been done well, and seek to build on that success. Conversely, ineffective leaders' opinions of others typically trend to the negative. They focus mostly on what has gone wrong, and spend most of their time ranging from mildly dissatisfied to irritated.
Strong leaders aren't Pollyannas. They recognize and firmly correct failure or incompetence, but by default they expect competence and success, they enjoy pointing it out in others, and they celebrate it often.
4. You have only two modes of interaction. Weak leaders (who think they're strong) interact with direct reports in one of two ways: either they're in charge, or they're not there. If they're in the room, they're in charge.
Truly effective leaders have another string to their bow, a third way of interacting with their team--to be a resource for them. Genuinely strong leaders are confident enough in their position that they don't need to always be at the head of the table. They can, when needed or useful, sit down as a peer and be just another voice around the table, even with those who report to them.
When was the last time you sat in on an operations or planning meeting, simply as a resource, and not as the boss? How did your team react? Were they comfortable and relaxed with you around, or did it all seem forced, a little like playacting?
Time for some tough love. Here are the four most common behaviors of an ineffective leader who thinks otherwise. Recognize any?
1. You know everything.
The weaker the leader, the more they know.
When I meet with weak or ineffective leaders, they can (and do) talk about their business for hours, uninterrupted and without assistance from others. There's nothing they don't know, no-one they need to consult and no information that's not to hand. The whole experience is like sitting with them in a goldfish bowl while the real world carries on outside.
Talking with truly effective leaders is just the opposite. They involve others when discussing their business. Whether it's putting the VP Sales on speakerphone or wandering down the corridor to talk with the warehouse manager, strong leaders know they can't--and shouldn't--know everything about their business. They build strong teams and are proud to depend upon them.
2. You're always busy. Yes, running a business (or a division, department, project, group or team) is time consuming--sometimes to the point of exhaustion.
No, it's not a sign of leadership strength to be permanently over-scheduled and over-worked.
If you have no time to think; if you can't recall the last time you took a walk around the block to clear your head, then you're not truly leading. If you're not taking time to set the strategic compass of your organization, who do you think is?
3. Your default perception of others is negative. When truly effective leaders talk, one thing becomes noticeable. When discussing others, whether their employees, vendors or customers, the conversation typically trends toward the positive.
Strong leaders look for success in others. They focus on what has been done well, and seek to build on that success. Conversely, ineffective leaders' opinions of others typically trend to the negative. They focus mostly on what has gone wrong, and spend most of their time ranging from mildly dissatisfied to irritated.
Strong leaders aren't Pollyannas. They recognize and firmly correct failure or incompetence, but by default they expect competence and success, they enjoy pointing it out in others, and they celebrate it often.
4. You have only two modes of interaction. Weak leaders (who think they're strong) interact with direct reports in one of two ways: either they're in charge, or they're not there. If they're in the room, they're in charge.
Truly effective leaders have another string to their bow, a third way of interacting with their team--to be a resource for them. Genuinely strong leaders are confident enough in their position that they don't need to always be at the head of the table. They can, when needed or useful, sit down as a peer and be just another voice around the table, even with those who report to them.
When was the last time you sat in on an operations or planning meeting, simply as a resource, and not as the boss? How did your team react? Were they comfortable and relaxed with you around, or did it all seem forced, a little like playacting?
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
A Symphony Conductor
Have you ever seen a Symphony conductor?
He's the guy standing there in the front facing the orchestra waving his hands all about.
It may look as if none of the musicians are even looking at him but he is a key person.
It is what he does before the show, the training, the attention to detail that he must have with EVERY musician in his orchestra that matters.
Are you in charge of a business, or are you are driver in charge of your crews or a principle of a school.
You are the symphony conductor of your business.
And like any great conductor you know that YOU are only as good as each and every person in your orchestra.
And if you are a musician in the group you know that you are ONLY as good as the person next to you.
You are judged, in the end, as a group.
You would never hear at the end of the day, man that third flute player from the left front was outstanding but the rest of the people stunk up the place.
No, they are ALL judged as a group, even the conductor- the guy in charge.
That is what we all must learn to be successful, we are only as strong as the people that we surround ourselves with. If someone needs more help, help them. If you can see or hear that someone could use some extra training, help train them.
It does not matter if you are the lead person or part of the crew.
That day you are ONE.
When you learn that, when you BELIEVE that- you will succeed- in business and in life.
He's the guy standing there in the front facing the orchestra waving his hands all about.
It may look as if none of the musicians are even looking at him but he is a key person.
It is what he does before the show, the training, the attention to detail that he must have with EVERY musician in his orchestra that matters.
Are you in charge of a business, or are you are driver in charge of your crews or a principle of a school.
You are the symphony conductor of your business.
And like any great conductor you know that YOU are only as good as each and every person in your orchestra.
And if you are a musician in the group you know that you are ONLY as good as the person next to you.
You are judged, in the end, as a group.
You would never hear at the end of the day, man that third flute player from the left front was outstanding but the rest of the people stunk up the place.
No, they are ALL judged as a group, even the conductor- the guy in charge.
That is what we all must learn to be successful, we are only as strong as the people that we surround ourselves with. If someone needs more help, help them. If you can see or hear that someone could use some extra training, help train them.
It does not matter if you are the lead person or part of the crew.
That day you are ONE.
When you learn that, when you BELIEVE that- you will succeed- in business and in life.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013
From driver skip on -Times have changed-
Skip left this in the comment section on the posting of "Times Have Changed" but I wanted to be sure that it was read and shared so I am posting it also.
Yes,the times are a changin....HAVE CHANGED!This was brought on by another driver from our company parking behind me.I had all my trailer doors open and was inside with music,folding pads and cleaning...He parked,went inside...AND LEFT....In my younger days...I'd have asked someone with their doors open if they needed help...It must be all about the ME generation.....What can we do to get more camaraderie in our fleet?
I've many party stories,the best one was a four day weekend at the Evergreen Truckstop up in Seattle...There were six of us all parked up front by noon Friday-all next to each other....I had my full sized grill,they ALL knew,and for the whole 4 days,we,helped each other fold pads,set up the boxes,PARTIED,AND cooked all weekend....The grilling started with chicken,went to hamburgers,porkchops,a whole ham,ribeyes,t-bones,and the final was confusing on my part......2 trailers 5 feet apart,tarps on top to keep the rain out....Grill kicking every minute......For 4 Days....
The best part of this story was the last day,Monday'bout 3 oclock.....I was ready to put the grill away,a refer driver walked by and noticed the grill,”JEEZE,a grill,want to cook some tuna?”Ya'sure,he came back with a tuna Filet FROZEN,had to be 10 pounds...I had no way to cut it,and,a flatbed driver had a crosscut saw that we washed and used to cut 1 inch Tuna steaks for the end of the weekend....Life is good,ILOVEMYJOB......
Yes,the times are a changin....HAVE CHANGED!This was brought on by another driver from our company parking behind me.I had all my trailer doors open and was inside with music,folding pads and cleaning...He parked,went inside...AND LEFT....In my younger days...I'd have asked someone with their doors open if they needed help...It must be all about the ME generation.....What can we do to get more camaraderie in our fleet?
I've many party stories,the best one was a four day weekend at the Evergreen Truckstop up in Seattle...There were six of us all parked up front by noon Friday-all next to each other....I had my full sized grill,they ALL knew,and for the whole 4 days,we,helped each other fold pads,set up the boxes,PARTIED,AND cooked all weekend....The grilling started with chicken,went to hamburgers,porkchops,a whole ham,ribeyes,t-bones,and the final was confusing on my part......2 trailers 5 feet apart,tarps on top to keep the rain out....Grill kicking every minute......For 4 Days....
The best part of this story was the last day,Monday'bout 3 oclock.....I was ready to put the grill away,a refer driver walked by and noticed the grill,”JEEZE,a grill,want to cook some tuna?”Ya'sure,he came back with a tuna Filet FROZEN,had to be 10 pounds...I had no way to cut it,and,a flatbed driver had a crosscut saw that we washed and used to cut 1 inch Tuna steaks for the end of the weekend....Life is good,ILOVEMYJOB......
Monday, February 4, 2013
" Be Yourself, Everyone Else Is Taken"
The Charles Schulz Philosophy
(This is marvelous!! Scroll thru slowly and read carefully to receive and enjoy full effect)
The following is the philosophy of Charles Schulz, the creator of the 'Peanuts' comic strip.
You don't have to actually answer the questions.Just ponder on them.
Just read the e-mail straight through, and you'll get the point.
1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America pageant.
4 Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.
5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.
6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.
How did you do?
The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday.
These are no second-rate achievers.
They are the best in their fields.
But the applause dies..
Awards tarnish..
Achievements are forgotten.
Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one: 1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.
2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.
3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.
4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.
5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.
The lesson:
The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the
most credentials,the most money...or the most awards.
They simply are the ones who care the most
Pass this on to those people who have either made a difference in your life,
or whom you keep close in your heart, like I did
'Don't worry about the world coming to an end today.
It's already tomorrow in Australia ''Be Yourself. Everyone Else Is Taken!"
Sunday, February 3, 2013
The Only Disability in Life is a Bad Attitude
Take a moment to watch this or read the story below.... it is worth your time
To Whom It May Concern,
"My name is Matthew Jeffers. I am a senior at Towson University majoring in acting, and I have been a die-hard Ravens fan since Baltimore welcomed you with open arms in 1996. As you, the Ravens, continue to battle through tough losses and heated criticism, allow me to share some thoughts with you. You are in uncharted territory. You (and us) have had the gift and pleasure of consistently winning for years, and frankly, you have spoiled us. You have maintained a level of professionalism and inspiring play for so long that we have lost touch with what it feels like to have our feet in the mud. And I'm sure it is an even worse feeling for you, the ones on the field, than it is for the ones in the stands.
"And let me let you in on a little secret. Life doesn't care about streaks. It does not care about three-game losing streaks, or four-game win streaks. It does not care if you WANT to win, if you NEED to win. At the end of the day, life is simply unfair. I am short-statured. I am 21 years old, but stand only at 4'2”. Over my lifetime I have endured 20 surgeries, some small, others life-threatening. I have had a tracheotomy, I have had blood transfusions, I have spent summers in a hip spica cast, and I've had to learn how to walk again. My last surgery was in 2003, and I acquired the naive mindset that I was free from the bondage of heartache. I had the mindset that I had ‘done my time.’ And then, in February of 2011, my mother was diagnosed with a stage IV brain tumor. As I write this, the doctors at JHU are determining whether or not the next step should be Hospice care. So you tell me, is life fair? When you give every ounce you have, and all you have to show for it is a loss in overtime, is that fair? When families in Newtown, CT go into their child's room, but have no child to kiss goodnight, is that fair?
"We live in a painful world, no doubt about it. But let me tell you this: The ONLY disability in life is a bad attitude. The ONLY disability in a bad attitude. A positive attitude is the most powerful combatant to life's misfortune. The will to fight, to survive, to win. It is the secret weapon I use, and I think I'm turning out OK. When you play on Sunday, let it not be to win a division or to silence the critics or prove somebody wrong or end a losing skid. Let it be a dedication to that simple yet powerful notion that life can be conquered with the right outlook. And I promise you, I promise you that everything else will take care of itself. Go get 'em on Sunday. I wish you all the best on your journey to The Lombardi."
To Whom It May Concern,
"My name is Matthew Jeffers. I am a senior at Towson University majoring in acting, and I have been a die-hard Ravens fan since Baltimore welcomed you with open arms in 1996. As you, the Ravens, continue to battle through tough losses and heated criticism, allow me to share some thoughts with you. You are in uncharted territory. You (and us) have had the gift and pleasure of consistently winning for years, and frankly, you have spoiled us. You have maintained a level of professionalism and inspiring play for so long that we have lost touch with what it feels like to have our feet in the mud. And I'm sure it is an even worse feeling for you, the ones on the field, than it is for the ones in the stands.

"And let me let you in on a little secret. Life doesn't care about streaks. It does not care about three-game losing streaks, or four-game win streaks. It does not care if you WANT to win, if you NEED to win. At the end of the day, life is simply unfair. I am short-statured. I am 21 years old, but stand only at 4'2”. Over my lifetime I have endured 20 surgeries, some small, others life-threatening. I have had a tracheotomy, I have had blood transfusions, I have spent summers in a hip spica cast, and I've had to learn how to walk again. My last surgery was in 2003, and I acquired the naive mindset that I was free from the bondage of heartache. I had the mindset that I had ‘done my time.’ And then, in February of 2011, my mother was diagnosed with a stage IV brain tumor. As I write this, the doctors at JHU are determining whether or not the next step should be Hospice care. So you tell me, is life fair? When you give every ounce you have, and all you have to show for it is a loss in overtime, is that fair? When families in Newtown, CT go into their child's room, but have no child to kiss goodnight, is that fair?
"We live in a painful world, no doubt about it. But let me tell you this: The ONLY disability in life is a bad attitude. The ONLY disability in a bad attitude. A positive attitude is the most powerful combatant to life's misfortune. The will to fight, to survive, to win. It is the secret weapon I use, and I think I'm turning out OK. When you play on Sunday, let it not be to win a division or to silence the critics or prove somebody wrong or end a losing skid. Let it be a dedication to that simple yet powerful notion that life can be conquered with the right outlook. And I promise you, I promise you that everything else will take care of itself. Go get 'em on Sunday. I wish you all the best on your journey to The Lombardi."
Saturday, February 2, 2013
I guarantee it
Since it is Super Bowl weekend here is a post on Joe Namath and The Third Super Bowl.
Joe believed in himself, he fought against all odds and won.
At the time NO ONE thought he and his team had a chance to win and when his back was up against the wall and people poked at him he held to what he believed is Joe Willie Namath...
The apex of his career was his performance in the Jets' January 1969 16–7 win over the Baltimore Colts in the third World Championship Game, which was before the AFL-NFL merger. Namath was named MVP of Super Bowl III. This win would make him the first quarterback to ever start and win a national championship game in college, and to start and win a major professional league championship and a World Championship.
The Colts were touted as "the greatest football team in history". Former NFL star and coach Norm Van Brocklin ridiculed the AFL before the game, saying "This will be Namath's first Professional Football game." Writers from NFL cities insisted it would take the AFL several more years to be truly competitive with the NFL. Much of the hype surrounding the game was related to how it would either prove or disprove the proposition that the AFL teams were truly worthy of being allowed to merge with the NFL; the first two such games had resulted in blowout victories for the NFL champion in the two previous years, the Green Bay Packers, and the Colts were even more favored by media figures and handicappers than the Packers had been.
Three days before the game, an intoxicated Namath responded to a heckler in Miami with the now-famous line: "We’re going to win Sunday. I guarantee it." His prediction was initially ignored, but it became legendary after the Jets' upset of the Colts.
In the game, however, Namath backed up his boast and showed that his success against tough American Football League competition had more than prepared him to take on the NFL. The Colts' vaunted defense was unable to contain the Jets' running or passing game, while their ineffective offense gave up four interceptions to the Jets. Namath was the game's MVP, completing eight passes to George Sauer alone, for 133 yards. Namath acquired legendary status for American Football League fans as the symbol of their league's legitimacy.
Joe believed in himself, he fought against all odds and won.
At the time NO ONE thought he and his team had a chance to win and when his back was up against the wall and people poked at him he held to what he believed is Joe Willie Namath...
The apex of his career was his performance in the Jets' January 1969 16–7 win over the Baltimore Colts in the third World Championship Game, which was before the AFL-NFL merger. Namath was named MVP of Super Bowl III. This win would make him the first quarterback to ever start and win a national championship game in college, and to start and win a major professional league championship and a World Championship.
The Colts were touted as "the greatest football team in history". Former NFL star and coach Norm Van Brocklin ridiculed the AFL before the game, saying "This will be Namath's first Professional Football game." Writers from NFL cities insisted it would take the AFL several more years to be truly competitive with the NFL. Much of the hype surrounding the game was related to how it would either prove or disprove the proposition that the AFL teams were truly worthy of being allowed to merge with the NFL; the first two such games had resulted in blowout victories for the NFL champion in the two previous years, the Green Bay Packers, and the Colts were even more favored by media figures and handicappers than the Packers had been.
Three days before the game, an intoxicated Namath responded to a heckler in Miami with the now-famous line: "We’re going to win Sunday. I guarantee it." His prediction was initially ignored, but it became legendary after the Jets' upset of the Colts.
In the game, however, Namath backed up his boast and showed that his success against tough American Football League competition had more than prepared him to take on the NFL. The Colts' vaunted defense was unable to contain the Jets' running or passing game, while their ineffective offense gave up four interceptions to the Jets. Namath was the game's MVP, completing eight passes to George Sauer alone, for 133 yards. Namath acquired legendary status for American Football League fans as the symbol of their league's legitimacy.

Friday, February 1, 2013
Bad Lip Reading in the NFL
Great video of Bad Lip reading of NFL Players. This is a unique video of what players might be saying while on the football field. Bad Lip Reading of NFL players makes you think a little more about what these players might be talking about on the field.
Preventive maintenance
As a driver you know the importance of preventive maintenance for your tractors, trucks and trailers.
The same preventive maintenance goes for COMMUNICATION.
You need to realize that you need to think of ways to communicate better and IN REAL TIME with your dispatch and the customer care people.
Customers DEMAND to know what is happening and they expect the people they are dealing with to be informed.
Just doing your job is not good enough anymore, you need to communicate with all involved as the move is in progress. With cell phones, email and ipads there are no excuses anymore.
Yes you are busy, yes you have labor on the clock but remember the most important financial ingredient that you work toward is PROFIT.
And to profit you need to decrease claims and increase communication.
Consider it preventive maintenance for your overall profitability.
Sending a email when you arrive, while you are in the move and after is as important as changing your oil and doing truck inspections.
Take the time up front and it will save you money in the long run.
Communicate- email- daily from the residence and on the road. It will help you- trust me.
The same preventive maintenance goes for COMMUNICATION.
You need to realize that you need to think of ways to communicate better and IN REAL TIME with your dispatch and the customer care people.
Customers DEMAND to know what is happening and they expect the people they are dealing with to be informed.
Just doing your job is not good enough anymore, you need to communicate with all involved as the move is in progress. With cell phones, email and ipads there are no excuses anymore.
Yes you are busy, yes you have labor on the clock but remember the most important financial ingredient that you work toward is PROFIT.
And to profit you need to decrease claims and increase communication.
Consider it preventive maintenance for your overall profitability.
Sending a email when you arrive, while you are in the move and after is as important as changing your oil and doing truck inspections.
Take the time up front and it will save you money in the long run.
Communicate- email- daily from the residence and on the road. It will help you- trust me.
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