Saturday, August 18, 2012


Two of the things I pray for every day is to please give me the strength to talk and the wisdom to listen.

If we all stop for a few minutes and listen, really listen, to the other guy maybe just maybe we may learn something.

It is often hard , especially when the other person has hurt our feelings, or we heard something before we even had the conversation -probably through gossip- that already has us forming a opinion.
Maybe we are already angry from something else that has happened to us that day and we prematurely decide that we are going to stand our ground this time and show them.

The hardest thing to do sometimes is actually the easiest....just listen.
Let the other person talk and ask questions and try to understand where THEY are coming from.
They may be the ones that have just got pushed around and disrespected before your conversation even started and THEY have decided to make a stand.

What ever the reason on either side yelling louder than the other guy or constantly interrupting them will get you no where, except more frustrated and angry. And more than likely your friendship or business relationship will take a hit.

Try to listen, walk a mile in their shoes and take a breath.

There will be times that you may be best served to walk away and absorb everything and render a decision or an opinion at a later date.

You just may find that they have some validity to their story and you may learn a little something.....LISTEN

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