Monday, June 4, 2012


One of our biggest challenges in the present generation and future ones will be separating WANT from NEED.

If you want to know why you can not catch up on your bills, if you want to know why you are stressed because you dislike your job but feel that you are stuck....Look no further than being able to separate WANT from NEED.

As we get frustrated many of us decide to splurge, go out or buy that thing that we know that w cannot afford but we say the heck with it. We deserve it. Knowing dam well that we cannot afford it.
Thus starts the circle.

Our grandparents or in some cases now our great grandparents that lived that great depression realized the difference. That had to, they lived it. They lived wondering if they were going to eat that night. They were satisfied with ham soup and crackers for a snack.
What happened?

We forgot, we got spoiled.

Stop blaming others and looking for handouts and learn the difference between WANT and NEED.

There was a time when the majority of Americans had pride, they helped themselves and they helped their neighbor.

Will we....can we...EVER GET THAT PRIDE BACK ?

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